Techniques and technologies. Department of foreign language teaching and applied linguistics = Техники и технологии. Департамент за чуждоезиково обучение и приложна лингвистика (ДЧЕОПЛ)
Techniques and technologies. Department of foreign language teaching and applied linguistics = Техники и технологии. Департамент за чуждоезиково обучение и приложна лингвистика (ДЧЕОПЛ)
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Techniques and technologies. Department of foreign language teaching and applied linguistics = Техники и технологии. Департамент за чуждоезиково обучение и приложна лингвистика (ДЧЕОПЛ)
Заглавие:(Не)допустими академични практики
Автор:Момчилова, Мария Кирова; Momchilova, Maria KirovaДата:2022Резюме:The following article discusses some examples of academic misconduct observed in a specific online learning environment. The accumulated data contains instances of ethical breach carried out by first and second year university students and tenure-track faculty members. The period of participant observation spans from February 2020 to December ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Enhancing the quality of language learning by developing intercultural competence
Автор:Todorova, Maria; Тодорова, МарияДата:2022Резюме:Modern language training must meet the expectations of high quality. The latest approaches to foreign language teaching show that language learning should include not only linguistic competence but also sociocultural and intercultural competence. People are confronted both locally and at work (more and more, thanks to the widespread use of ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Проучване на нагласите на студентите спортисти към смесеното обучение
Автор:Славова, Весела К.; Slavova, Vesela K.Дата:2022Резюме:The article examines contemporary foreign language teaching, and particularly the hybrid model implemented in educational setting for the last two years of worldwide pandemic. Sports students’ attitudes toward blended foreign language teaching (traditional and distance teaching) were studied. The advantages and disadvantages of this pedagogical ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:"Homo faber - homo sapiens - homo tehnicus или еволюцията на образованието"
Автор:Павлова, Йоана; Pavlova, YoanaДата:2022Резюме:The historical development of man is accompanied by the desire to improve the environment and social environment, which reflects not only on the way of life but also on the way of thinking of people. The necessary conditions for the implementation of the change of the surrounding environment are expressed in the acquisition of new knowledge ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:За недостатъците на дистанционното обучение по чужд език в университета
Автор:Бирова, Илка Л.; Birova, Ilka L.Дата:2022Резюме:This article examines some disadvantages of online education at Sofia University in conditions of quarantine in 2020-2021. The author shows her observations about online teaching of Russian as a foreign language at Faculty of Slavic studies and Faculty of economics. Some trends in development of university foreign language education are analysed.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Интегриране на езикови умения чрез използване на технологии
Автор:Лалова, Цветелина Боянова; Lalova, Tsvetelina BoyanovaДата:2022Резюме:The aim of this article is to provide a descriptive report of the ways we can use technology in the EFL classroom, in relation with the integration of the four major language skills. It illustrates the interaction between the methods of teaching by uniting the different language skills and the technology, which can be used to enhance them. ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Маладаптивният перфекционизъм и ефектът на тревожността върху академичното представяне на студентите, обучаващи се от разстояние
Автор:Атанасова, Петя Ленкова; Atanasova, Petya LenkovaДата:2022Резюме:This article examines maladaptive (unhealthy) perfectionism, the anxiety it causes, and its negative impact on the academic performance of distance learning students. It was provoked by the author's interest in positive psychology and its application in foreign language teaching, as well as the need to inform and attract the attention of ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Дистанционното обучение в дигитална среда – предизвикателства и възможности (из опита на ТУ - София)
Автор:Тодоров, Тодор; Todorov, Todor; Василева, Бистра; Vassileva, BistraДата:2022Резюме:The COVID-19 pandemic has made a profound impact on every economic and social sector, forcing the urgent transformation of almost all spheres of human activity. The field of higher education was no exception. It was for the first time in history that digital skills became an absolute necessity, and the distance learning in a digital environment ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Педагогика в дигитална среда – трансформация, нова инструментализация или „дигитапедагогизация“
Автор:Пеев, Ивайло Иванов; Peev, Ivaylo IvanovДата:2022Резюме:The article deals with issues related to teaching and education after its transition to a digital environment, focusing on some observations and conclusions regarding the pedagogical process and interaction in an online format. The three main concepts we chose to characterize this process are transformation, instrumentalization and digital ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Пре/фокусирани гледни точки към образователния процес под натиск
Автор:Пеев, Ивайло Иванов; Peev, Ivaylo IvanovДата:2022Резюме:The text proposes new viewpoints of lecturers and researchers on teaching and the educational process which have been generated as a follow-up to the pedagogical experience of instruction in a digital environment. Integrating material from articles included in the previous edition of the present collection, the author offers a brief overview, ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Генериране на многовариантни тестове с повишена прецизност на оценяване
Автор:Маринов, Марин; Marinov, Marin; Тодоров, Тодор; Todorov, TodorДата:2022Резюме:The process of assessment of acquired knowledge and skills represents an essential part of contemporary educational process and constitutes one of its main didactic objectives, the fulfilment of which requires a wide range of competences from the educator’s part. The extensive adoption of online testing formats has quickened the implementation ...Библиотека:
Автор:Абаджиева, Десислава; Abadjieva, DesislavaДата:2021Резюме:The aim of this study is to examine the apprehension of pupils and students having attended the established virtual biology laboratories, already used for biology introductory courses. Having participated in both formats, the participants filled out a questionnaire which contained questions about their apprehension during virtual biology ...Библиотека: