Пеев, Ивайло Иванов; Peev, Ivaylo Ivanov
Педагогика в дигитална среда – трансформация, нова инструментализация или „дигитапедагогизация“
Pedagogy in a digital environment - transformation, new instrumentalization or "digitapedagogization”
Техники и технологии в чуждоезиковото обучение и висшето образование, 3 (3) 2022, с.164-174
Технически университет - София
2683-0876 [issn]
обучение в електронна среда, педагогическа интеракция, нови инструменти на преподаване и учене; learning in an electronic environment, pedagogical interaction, new tools of teaching and learning
The article deals with issues related to teaching and education after its transition to a digital environment, focusing on some observations and conclusions regarding the pedagogical process and interaction in an online format. The three main concepts we chose to characterize this process are transformation, instrumentalization and digital pedagogy (digitapedagogization). The quoted texts present practical examples and the derived theoretical findings of pedagogues and teachers from different levels of educational (high school and university). The main thesis presented in this study is that following the teaching experience in an electronic environment, a new pedagogy is constructed / configured, which will be increasingly more associated with the information and communication technologies and will become an integral part of modern education.
Библиогр., с. 173-174.