Маринов, Марин; Marinov, Marin; Тодоров, Тодор; Todorov, Todor
Генериране на многовариантни тестове с повишена прецизност на оценяване
Generating multivariate tests with enhanced precision of assessment
Техники и технологии в чуждоезиковото обучение и висшето образование, 3(3) 2022, с.131-142
Технически университет - София
2683-0876 [issn]
дистанционно обучение, онлайн тестуване, обективно оценяване, технологични решения, компютърна сигурност; distance learning, online testing, objective assessment, technological solutions, computer security
The process of assessment of acquired knowledge and skills represents an essential part of contemporary educational process and constitutes one of its main didactic objectives, the fulfilment of which requires a wide range of competences from the educator’s part. The extensive adoption of online testing formats has quickened the implementation of new technological solutions and tools in this field, enhancing its automation and optimization capacity and achieving increased security and reliability. The successful distance online testing involves the combination of a multitude of interdisciplinary factors and components, each of which may assume prevailing importance under certain conditions. It is for this reason that special attention must be given to the issue of making a comprehensive analysis and finding solutions to arising problems, as well as utilizing specific strategies and realizations which enhance the leading factors allowances and ranges, such as hardware and software requirements, time limitations and applicability to various levels of competence.
Съдържа диагр. и фигури. – Библиогр., с. 141- 142.