Василева, Силвия; Vasileva, Sylvia
Макроструктури, микроструктури и семантично-лексикални особености на специализиран икономически текст. Доклад за дейността (Geschäftsbericht) на немски и на български език
Macrostructures, Microstructures and Semantical Features of Specialized Economic Text type Business Report (Geschäftsbericht) in German and Bulgarian Languages
Техники и технологии в чуждоезиковото обучение, 3 (3) 2022, с.109-119
Технически университет - София
2683-0876 [issn]
текстолингвистичен анализ, специализиран икономически текст, паралелни текстове, денотати, езикови средства за изразяване на денотатите; textlinguistic analysis, specialized economic text, parallel texts, denotates, linguistic means of the expression of denotates
The article presents contrastive analysis results of the specialized economic text type Business Report. The aspects that are discussed are the linear development of the theme and rheme in the macrostructures, microstructures, and in the building layers of the text, in which partial equivalence and resemblance are established in both languages. Parallel texts are compared – source texts and their corresponding to the situation translations. The article also discusses the recurrence and the isotopy of the denotates, to which the simple and the transforming repetition belongs. The anaphoric and cataphoric pronominalization, paraphrase, the use of partial and absolute synonyms as well as the use of linguistic elements, which are in paradigmatic relation concerning the meaning, as for example hyponyms, hyperonyms, co-hyponyms, and antonyms are also key issues in the text.
Съдържа таблици. – Библиогр., с. 118-119