Todorova, Maria; Тодорова, Мария
Enhancing the quality of language learning by developing intercultural competence
Подобряване качеството на езиковото обучение чрез развиване на интеркултурна компететност
Техники и технологии в чуждоезиковото обучение, 3 (3) 2022, с.96-101
Технически университет - София
2683-0876 [issn]
intercultural competence, ICT, cultural aspects, FLT; междукултурна компетентност, ИКТ, културни аспекти, чуждоезиково обучение
Modern language training must meet the expectations of high quality. The latest approaches to foreign language teaching show that language learning should include not only linguistic competence but also sociocultural and intercultural competence. People are confronted both locally and at work (more and more, thanks to the widespread use of ICT) with other people with different worldviews, values, and ways of communication. Intercultural communication inter-relates the study of culture with language and linguistics and views them as a whole. The basis of intercultural learning is the building of intercultural competence.
Съдържа прил. – Библиогр., с. 99-100.