Заглавие:Организационно - икономическо проектиране на системата за управление на рисковата фирма
Автор:Джонев, Тодор Стойнев; Djonev, Todor StoynevДата:1995Резюме:In the offered article are on view the methods for management of risk firms' for new. technologies which need special approach.
The analysis and synthesis of the offered for practical use methods for management of risk firms for new technologies is based on Bulgarian and foreign experience. There are explored almost all factors and there ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Разменният механизъм между безработица и инфлация
Автор:Милчев, Цачо Йотов; Miltchev, Tsatcho IotovДата:1995Резюме:The possibilities of curved line of Fillips has been analysed in this work to decrease the level of the unemployment at the expense of the increase the inflation, or a contrariwise — to depress the inflation at the expense of increase the unemployment. Here has been expressed some doubts about the possibilities of this exchange mechanism ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Иновационен подход при внедряване на високо технологичен продукт - PET приформи в условията на преход към пазарна икономика
Автор:Данчева, Десислава Петкова; Dantcheva, Dessislava Petkova; Танева, Невяна Пандова; Taneva, Neviana NevianaДата:1995Резюме:Under the conditions of the transition in our country, the innovations are of great importance. The efficiently used unconventional marketing approaches and the provision of high competitive for the product, whose production does not exist in the country, are taken as basis for the present elaboration. Particularly attention is paid to the ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Изследване на възможностите за разширяване приложението на TS и SA методите в мениджмънта
Автор:Касянова, Александра Страхилова; Kassianova, Alexandra Strahilova; Стоименова, Мая Методиева; Stoimenova, Maya Metodieva; Танева, Невяна Пандова; Taneva, Nevayna PandovaДата:1995Резюме:The possibilities for improvements the quality of the computer program given in advance are researched. They are solving the problems, connected with scheduling of personnel in a hospital. The limit conditions are given in advance. The highest speed of the process of making decisions is succeeded. The results are better than found so far.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Комплексна оценка на стратегически решения
Автор:Ганчев, Панайот Асенов; Gantchev, Panayot Asenov; Велев, Светослав Димков; Velev, Svetoslav DimkovДата:1995Резюме:This work suggests one possible joint (complex) solution of the following two problems at setting corporate strategy (CS) of the little and medium firms:
1. Using of contradictory expert estimates, affecting quantitive, others qualitative charac-teristics of the business at setting CS.
2. Using of most detailed mod ells of the future ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Управленският процес
Автор:Ганчев, Панайот Асенов; Gantchev, Panayot AsenovДата:1995Резюме:The managing process is interrelated series of activities of managing personnel, changing the state of internal environment of the business organization. They are orientated towards its objectives. The managing process integrates three levels of activities: functional, technological and working. There mutual improvement leads to one efficient ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Икономическо значение на маркетинг комуникациите на фирмата
Автор:Велев, Младен Стефанов; Velev, Mladen StefanovДата:1995Резюме:In this work a attempt for systematization of the main directions in which the economic importance of the marketing communications of the firm appears is made. The relations between the communication results of tools as advertising, public relations, publicity, personnel selling etc. with financial results of the firms are considered.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Инвестиция ли са маркетинг комуникациите?
Автор:Велев, Младен Стефанов; Velev, Mladen StefanovДата:1995Резюме:In the economic practice the expenses of the firms for marketing communications are considered as current expenses. In the same time there are many reasons for their acceptance as investment expenses. In this work a attempt for underlying the idea that the firm's expenses for marketing communications are an investment is made. Many special ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Трудова етика и потребителска култура в условията на икономика в преход
Автор:Сотирова, Даниела Василева; Sotirova, Daniela VasilevaДата:1995Резюме:In this paper the concepts of work ethic, protestant work ethic, consumer culture and ethic of wealth are analysed in the light of their historical modification under modern and postmodern conditions. Pressing debates in new research fields as business ethics, economic anthropology and economic psychology are generalized.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Приложение на диагностичния анализ при разработване на бизнес-план
Автор:Дончев, Димитър Лозанов; Dontchev, Dimitar LozanovДата:1995Резюме:The opportunity for using the diagnostic analysis of production systems is ob¬served in the paper. The goals and the steps of the analysis are defined and the main directions and parameters that character the status the subject are also observed. The procedure of the diagnostic analysis is dealt with also.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Определяне на икономическия срок на годност на дълготрайни активи
Автор:Димитров, Йордан Стоянов; Dimitrov, Jordan StoyanovДата:1995Резюме:The main goal of this article is to find out a possibilities of minimum expense and time needed economical life of fixed assets to be defined.
The approach used here is based on expert assessment and has been used successfullyБиблиотека:
Заглавие:Икономическа оценка на тактически инвестиционни решения
Автор:Димитров, Йордан Стоянов; Dimitrov, Jordan StoyanovДата:1995Резюме:The goal of this article is to show possibilities to use new approaches to short¬term investment decisions.
The approach is practically experimented in case with economical assessment of short¬term advertising project.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Организация на производството и създаването и функционирането на конкурентоспособно предприятие
Автор:Калигорова, Мая Христова; Kaligorova, Maja HristovaДата:1995Резюме:With the establishment and functioning of a competitive company, ther has to be a contemporary conditions-releated organisation not only of the produktion processes, but also of the whole structure of the company.
Analysis shows that an effective production is result of the availability of a relevant organization. The availability of all ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Инженерен подход в мениджмънта
Автор:Алвасов, Божидар Симеонов; Alvasov, Bojidar Simeonov Т; Лефтерова, Татяна Кирилова; Lefterowa, Tatiana KirilovaДата:1995Резюме:Created in the 20 s in the USA Industrial Engineering that has reached a qualitative new development nowadays by applying the systematic approach, has become an independent scientific and practical field. Its basic problem is the purposeful projecting of elaborate systems of people and other kind of resources.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Място на персоналния отдел във фирменото управление
Автор:Колчагова, Борислава Цветкова; Kolchagova, Borislava Tsvetkova; Гераскова, Олга Димитрова; Geraskova, Olga DimitrovaДата:1995Резюме:The role of the human factor in the business increased in the last decades. As a result the function of human resource management has been essentially developed. According to that the importance of the personnel departments has been grown which led to changes in the organisational structures. The interconnections of the personnel department ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Проблеми и подходи при управление на персонала в променяща се среда
Автор:Колчагова, Борислава Цветкова; Kolchagova, Borislava TsvetkovaДата:1995Резюме:The functioning of the organizations in the market economy depends on the abilities of management to direct their behaviour according to the changes in the environment. At the transition to a market economy it is characterized with a considerable instability and uncertainty. There is a very unfavourable combination of different factors which ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:The influence of some kinetic factors in the forming of molybdate conversion coating on zinc
Автор:Aroyo, Mois; Аройо, Моис; Tsonev, Nikola Ivanov; Цонев, Никола И.Дата:1995Резюме:The mechanism of the molybdate conversion coating application on zinc surface is studied by means of a profdographic measurements. It is assumed that the surface micro¬profile of the applied conversion coating is a result of the ratio of the rates of the two processes of opposite actions and directions: the anodic, causing the surface ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Нова инициираща система за втвърдяване на ненаситени полиестерни смоли
Автор:Раденков, Филип Димитров; Radenkov, Philip Dimitrov; Кюланов, Петър Цветанов; Kulanov, Peter TsvetanovДата:1995Резюме:The well-known radical mechanism is used for curing the unsaturated polyester resins. Their initiation is carried iut by redox system containing organic peroxides, organometallic compounds and tertiary aromatic amines. Such initiating system is very sensitive to low temperature, high humidity or elevated inhibitor concentration. This factors ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Adhesion aspects in metallized tissues of polyethyleneterephtalate
Автор:Dobreva, Ekaterina Dimitrova; Добрева, Екатерина Димитрова; Lirkov, Alexander Lubomirov; Лирков, Александър Любомиров; Petrov, Christo Bogomilov; Петров, Христо БогомиловДата:1995Резюме:The thickness of electroless nickel or copper coating deposited on a textile made of polyethyleneterephalate as well as their adhesion and specific electrical resistance have been investigated with regard to their dependence on the etching conditions in alkaline medium and on the duration of the electroless metalization process.Библиотека:
Заглавие:The de broglie’s waves and the classical trajectories of bodies
Автор:Nicolaeva, Zdravka Veselinowa; Николаева, Здравка ВеселиноваДата:1995Резюме:In this paper is treated the classical problem of horizontally thgrown body’s motion. The Stvdinger’s idea that the de Broglie’s respective -wave must refract in the Earth’s conservative gravitational field, is used. Then we get the wellknown result of the trajectory (parabola). Such theoretical conclusions are a matter of principle and ...Библиотека: