Dobreva, Ekaterina Dimitrova; Добрева, Екатерина Димитрова; Lirkov, Alexander Lubomirov; Лирков, Александър Любомиров; Petrov, Christo Bogomilov; Петров, Христо Богомилов
Adhesion aspects in metallized tissues of polyethyleneterephtalate
Адхезионни аспекти при метализирани тъкани от полиетилентерефталат
Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, 48(5), 1995, pp. 263-274
Технически университет - София
0374-342X [issn]
адхезионни аспекти; полиетилентерефталат; байцващ разтвор
The thickness of electroless nickel or copper coating deposited on a textile made of polyethyleneterephalate as well as their adhesion and specific electrical resistance have been investigated with regard to their dependence on the etching conditions in alkaline medium and on the duration of the electroless metalization process.
Съдържа формули, схеми, снимки, таблици. – Библиогр., с. 274.