Title:Измерване на гравитационни вълни II.
Author:Вълков, Лазар Марков; Valkov, Lazar Markov; Марков, Марко Николов; Marcov, Marco NikolovDate:1995Abstract:There is a complete harmony between Planck S axiomatic method setted in the natural measurement system and the charge-mass method (CMM). As a result one obtained new Plancks ’ gravity quantities, namely supergravitational force and supergravitational acceleration which determine universe’s dynamics. We established that the second constant ...Library:
Title:Измерване на гравитационни вълни I.
Author:Вълков, Лазар Марков; Valkov, Lazar Markov; Марков, Марко Николов; Marcov, Marco NikolovDate:1995Abstract:The charge-mass method (CMM) proved to be more compregensible and more effective for indirect measuring of the characteristc gravitational parameters of the bodies than Einstein ’s dynamic-accelerating and Making’s thermic ones. CMM is in perfect harmony with Planck’s axiomatic method seted in his natural measurement system.Library:
Title:Wideband antenna for electromagnetic emissions open-site tests
Author:Yordanova, Radka; Йорданова, Радка; Doughty, Kеvin; Даути, Кевин; Yordanov, Boril; Йорданов, БорилDate:1995Abstract:A wide-band antenna was designed. The configuration was chosen in sich way that most appropriate characteristics for receiving and analysis of electro¬magnetic emissions at open-sites to be achieved. Comparative measurements of the above antenna and some other types of broad-band antennas are presented.Library:
Title:The electromagnetic interaction as a basis of all technologies for the treatment of substances
Author:Penchev, Peter Rashkov; Пенчев, Петър РашковDate:1995Abstract:The interaction forces in structural links (energies) between particles (atoms, molecules, etc.) of a substance are jluciuational electromagnetic forces.
During every technological treatment of objects a change in the structural energy between particles occurs. This always leads io electromagnetic interaction and changes in particle structure ...Library:
Title:New from nucleodynamics
Author:Karastoyanov, Alexandеr Slavov; Карастоянов, Александър СлавовDate:1995Abstract:Many years the author develops nucleodynamics. It bases on Laplace’s force and has multiple corroborations. The latter are illustrated by the potential well and neutron energy levels of Pb, equivalent Schrodinger potentials and cross-sections of elastic scattering.Library:
Title:Пълна форма на лапласовия хамилтониан
Author:Карастоянов, Александър Славов; Karastoyanov, Alexandar SlavovDate:1995Abstract:In a semirelativistic approximation, the nuclear Dirac equation can be transformed into an equivalent Schrodinger equation. A Hamiltonian based on Laplace’s force is presented. It explains the dueteron binding energy, baryon-baryon scattering data and Pb energy levels.Library:
Title:Coherent control of intramolecular processes Part II: Adiabatic States Approach to the Coherent Control
Author:Koprinkov, Ivan Georgiev; Копринков, Иван ГеоргиевDate:1995Abstract:The experimental results on polarization control of predissociation of the iodine molecules in terms of adiabatic states of the combined “atom ’’-field system is considered. The general conditions for experimental realizations of the coherent control have been specified.Library:
Title:Coherent control of intramolecular processes Part I: Polarization Control on Predissociation of Iodine Molecule under On-Resonance Rovibronic Excitation
Author:Koprinkov, Ivan Georgiev; Копринков, Иван Георгиев; Pique, J. P.; Пик, Ж. П.; Naylor, G. A.; Нейлор, А. Г.Date:1995Abstract:The coherent control method for manipulation of predissociation probability of iodine molecules is discussed and test experimentally using on-resonance rovibronic excitation. The predissociation rate has been controlled measuring life-time of the predissociattve state versus degree of elliptical polarization of the exciting laser emission.Library:
Title:Cavity waveguide-output lasers. mode locking - picosecond operation
Author:Koprinkov, Ivan Georgiev; Копринков, Иван Георгиев; Ilev, Ilko K.; Илев, Илко К.Date:1995Abstract:The Cavity Waveguide-Output Laser is a new laser device that provides a direct and active coupling between the laser cavity standing wave field and a waveguide optical structure (optical fibber, taper, etc.) using its polished optical face as a cavity output coupling mirror. This laser system offers a new method for active paraxial launching ...Library:
Title:Аномално поведение на втората константа на магнитна анизотропия с еднойонен произход във функция на намагнитването и температурата
Author:Милев, Йонко; Millev, Yonko; Фенле, Манфред; Fahnle, ManfredDate:1995Abstract:An exhaustive study is carried out for the determination of the possible types of variation of the second single-ion anisotropy constant K2. Three types are found and quantified, two of which are anomalous and unknown by now. While they both exhibit a nonmonotonic variation with a local extremum between zero and the Curie temperature, one ...Library:
Title:New fiber-optic autocollimation method for determination and control of physical qualities
Author:Ilev, Ilko K.; Илев, Илко К.Date:1995Abstract:A new and simple fiber-optic autokollimation method for determination and control of various physical quantities is presented. A basic optical element in the method is a single-mode optical fiber. Because of its micron core dimentions it serves simultaneously as a point laser source, object for projecting and receiver that is higly sensitive ...Library:
Title:Позиционно - чувствителен фотодетектор на основата на хидрогенезиран аморфен силиций
Author:Съева, Дочка; Sueva, Dochka; Тонева, Атанаска; Toneva, AtanaskaDate:1995Abstract:The possibility for fabrication of the position sensitive photodetector (PSP) on the base of the updoped hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin films is studied. The amorphous silicon thin films are deposited by homogeneous chemical vapor deposition method. The thin films are thickness varieds from 0,5 to 1 pm.
PSP employ a Schottky-type ...Library:
Title:Трибологията - съвременна методология на интеграционните процеси
Author:Манолов, Нягол Точев; Manolov, Nyagol TochevDate:1995Abstract:The accent in the present work falls on the proposed fundamental (ontological) model of the functional entity. It has been proved that the appearance of tribology as a science of contact essence in nature, society and technology has enriched the fundamental model of the universe with the third originLibrary:
Title:Разработване на учебни курсове по темпус договор “Обучение и практика по приложна механика и теория на системите с компютърно ориентирани приложения”
Author:Лилов, Любомир Кръстев; Lilov, Liubomir Krastev; Чернева-Попова, Здравка Тодорова; Tchemeva, Zdravka Todorova; Бъчваров, Стефан Николов; Butchvarov, Stefan Nikolov; Банов, Стефан Борисов; Banov, Stefan Borisov; Николов, Светослав Славов; Nikolov, Svetoslav SlavovDate:1995Abstract:The development of new course is given: “System Theory and Control of Movement”, “Applied Mechanics”, “Vibrations, Vibroprotection and Noiseprotection of Machines ”, “System Identification ”, “Application of Computer Technics in Mechanics Curricula, other activities are described in connection with the aim of the contract — improvement of ...Library:
Title:Безрезонансни трептения с течно и сухо триене
Author:Петров, Тодор; Petrov, TodorDate:1995Abstract:There are investigated in the paper disturbed oscillations with the dissipative forces of wet and dry friction origin, in the resulting motion exists no the phenomenon “resonance ”.
The disturbed oscillations amplitude does not depend on the disturbed frequency and the amplitude is a constant during the time when the last frequency ...Library:
Title:Оценка на трибологичното поведение на смазочни материали на фирма “Дуралюб” - България
Author:Янков, Александър Евгениев; Yankov, Alexander Evgeniev; Кавалджиев, Станчо Йорданов; Kavaldjiev, Stancho JordanovDate:1995Abstract:The paper deals with particular results from tribological parameters tests of lubrication products of the company Duralube—Bulgaria”. Small quantities of these products added to lubricant oils decrease briskly friction losses and wear in contact joints. Laboratory analyses carried out through original method and test equipment show quite ...Library:
Title:Analytical expressions for the stress distribution in a 4-node isoparametric finite element
Author:Tenchev, Rosen Tenchev; Тенчев, Росен ТенчевDate:1995Abstract:For the general displacement isoparametric finite elements the displacement field is approximated by a polynom. Since the strains are first derivatives of the displacements and FE post-processors usually use the nodal stress values and polynomial shape function to approximate the stress field it is a common mistake made by FE users to as ...Library:
Title:The stress sampling points and the convergence of the h — adaptive finite element method
Author:Tenchev, Rosen Tenchev; Тенчев, Росен ТенчевDate:1995Abstract:The nodal stresses in a finite element may be calculated in two ways: (a) directly at the nodes; (b) by extrapolation from the stresses at the Gauss points. It will be shown by means of numerical examples, involving plane 8-node isoparametric elements, that the convergence of stresses in areas of stress concentration is superior -when using ...Library:
Title:Якостен критерий за материали с различно съпротивление на опън и натиск
Author:Стойчев, Георги Борисов; Stoychev, Georgy Borisov; Тущев, Камен Николов; Tushtev, Kamen NikolovDate:1995Abstract:A new failure criterion for materials with different strength in tension and compression is proposed. Experiments with tube specimens made from different types of cast iron with tensile strength 100, 150 and 200 MPa and biaxial stress state -^=co, 1, 0.5, 0, -2, -oo and pure forstonwere carried out. The proposed criterion is in good agreement ...Library:
Title:Определяне на статичните и динамичните еластични и демпфиращи характеристики на реални металогумени съединители
Author:Полихронов, Георги Тодоров; Polihronov, Georgi TodorovDate:1995Abstract:In paper a methodic for determination of static and dynamical stiffness char¬acteristics of elastic clutches is proposed. It is tested for determination of real metal-rubber clutches for tram use characteristics.
From experimental investigations was established that this methodic can be used for all kinds elastic clutches.Library: