Title:Изследване на система с еднополюсен астатичен регулатор
Author:Иванов, Иван Драготинов; Ivanov, Ivan Dragotinov; Тодоров, Асен Марков; Todorov, Assen Markov; Костов, Костадин ГеоргиевDate:2004Abstract:The present paper studies a linear continuous system which comprises a unipolar controller of class 1 and a plant of first order class 0. The study is carried out by examining the trajectory of the roots of the feedback system's characteristic equation. The relation between two direct and two indirect performance indicators, and the variation ...Library:
Title:Управление на махало на Ке
Author:Гълъбов, Васил Тотев; Galabov, Vassil TotevDate:2004Abstract:Automatic control system of experiments, using Ke's pendulum, for investigation of dynamic relaxation processes in metals and alloys is proposed. Principal schematic is created, optimizing the functionality of the measurement pendulum in the installation for internal friction measuring, and allowing automatic long-term experiments. The ...Library:
Title:Controlling the speed of coding line conveyor using fuzzy logic
Author:Atanassov, Atanas; Атанасов, Атанас; Tomova, Fani; Томова, ФаниDate:2004Abstract:This paper presents the improvement of the performance of a Coding Line Conveyor (CLC), which is a part of the automated unit for parcels sorting complex PP2000 of Swiss POST. The fuzzy control theory is used to adapt CLC control parameters. The size of the parcel, the surface quality i.e. number of address regions, as well the series of ...Library:
Title:Decision - making with the analytic hierarchy method
Author:Vincheva, Iliana; Винчева, ИлиянаDate:2004Abstract:The subject of this article is the analytic hierarchy method. Peculiar io this method is that the alternatives are precisely definite and the choice for optimal decision is under certainty. The application of this method is for problems in which the value of alternatives can't be ambiguity define.Library:
Title:Алгоритми за управление на технологични процеси при неопределеност
Author:Йорданова, Снежана Тодорова; Yordanova, Snejana TodorovaDate:1999Abstract:The useful simple plant models can hardly reflect the complex character of the technological processes. The existing uncertainty is considered by both the robust and the fuzzy approaches and each of them achieves system robustness via simple procedure for the design of easy for completion control algorithms. The robust approach embeds the ...Library:
Title:Обобщен мрежов модел за времево планиране на действия
Author:Димитров, Димитър П.Date:1999Abstract:A generalized model for solving the NP-hard problem of scheduling actions in robotic systems is presented. Actions share resources and can be partially ordered A class of extended timed Petri Nets is used, in which time is treated not as an external resource, but really does participate the execution of the net.Library:
Title:Възможности за разширение на диапазона на регулиране на скоростта при импулсно управление на асинхронни електродвигатели
Author:Божилов, Ганчо Йорданов; Bojilov, Gantcho YordanovDate:1998Abstract:A possibility for extending the speed control range of conventional induction motors under pulse control is treated. This is obtained by connecting capacitors in series to each phase of the motor. As a results, the short circuit reactance will he decreased, the critical slip will be increased and the control range will be extended. Both the ...Library:
Title:Краткосрочно прогнозиране на активните товари в основните възли на електроенергийната система
Author:Николов, Димитър Александров; Nikolov, Dimitar AlexandrovDate:1995Abstract:The consummation of active power in the main nodes of the electrical power system (e.p.s) is forecasted on the base of the retrospective information about this power for a given period of time. The mathematical model for the forecast of the loads in the nodes takes into account the seasonal trend, the week, the 24 hour regularity and the ...Library:
Title:Управление качеството на светлинната среда в система на комбинирано осветление
Author:Матев, Димитър Пенчев; Matev, Dimitar PenchevDate:1995Abstract:The article presents control possibilities of the resultant CRF in a system for combined lighting by means of components activity level dozing and no restriction of their number.
The axioms formulated guarantee high quality light milieu and energy effectiveness of the system by the components activity changing.Library:
Title:Проектиране на модулна система за управление на рискови фирми за нови технологии
Author:Джонев, Тодор С.; Djonev, Todoir S.Date:1995Abstract:In the being article, for the objectives of the projecting of modular systems for managing of risk firms about new technologies, are used and elaborated some of the principles for development of managing systems. They are selected by observations and analysis of Bulgarian and forcing practice.
By the result in the main showed integrated ...Library:
Title:Някои възможности за използване на експертни системи при автоматизирано изграждане на планове за разположение на производствени звена
Author:Чанкова, Любка Георгиева; Tchankova, Liubka Georgieva; Лефтерова, Татяна Кирилова; Lefterova, Tatiana KirilovaDate:1995Abstract:In this paper the Facility Layout Problem is discussed and the possibilities for using of expert system approach are investigated. Facility layout is considered as multiple criteria problem. The priorities on the selection of rules concerning modelling of the problem, adjacency of departments, basic plans, etc., are investigated.
Examples ...Library:
Title:Управлението на качеството — необходимо условие за успех на малките и средните предприятия
Author:Фурнаджиева, Маргарита Светозарова; Furnadjieva, Margarita SvetoslavovaDate:1995Abstract:The creation of customers and market is an objective of every economic and production activity.
In the period when the economic and social structures have being rapidly changed, the small and middle size companies are able to demonstrate their extreme flexibility and creation capability and to achieve good economic results.Library:
Title:Управление на времето
Author:Илиев, Иван Асенов; Iliev, Ivan AsenovDate:1995Abstract:The report deals with one main problem — time as the most valuable resource and its effective namagemenl. The research shows a significant differentiation in the ratio between time for professional contribution and the personal life of the higt-ranking, occfupied in various social spheres.
The management of time is inherently connected ...Library: