Title:Възрастово морфологично и образноанатомично проучване на жлезистата част на стомаха при домашния канар (Serinus canaria)
Author:Христов, Христо; Hristov, HristoDate:2020Abstract:Age-related morphological investigation of the glandular part of the stomach (proventriculus gastris) in the domestic canary bird (Serinus canaria) was aimed to be conducted, comparing the data with those, obtained via some methods of the Imaging anatomy.
Twenty-eight birds, aged from two days to three years, distributed in five groups are ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:Диагностика и мониторинг на бременността при местни кози
Author:Карадаев, МанолDate:2015Abstract:The primary aim of the present work was to investigate the
possibilities for diagnostics and monitoring of pregnancy of local Bulgarian
goats through hormonal and ultrasound methods. A total of 323 local goats
with average live weight of 35-62 kg aged between 1.5 and 9 years were
included in the different experiments.
According to the ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:Диагностика на ранната бременност и определяне на броя и пола на плодовете при овце
Author:Йотов, СтанимирDate:2008Abstract:The sheep breeding is one of the most important branch of animal husbandry in Bulgaria. Increase of sheep population is impossible without introduction of up-to date methods in the reproductive process. Early pregnancy diagnosis is effective method for detection of non-pregnant animals, early embryonic death and some reproductive tract ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:Проучвания на стойностите и динамиката на някои вагинални показатели при кучки
Author:Антонов, АнтонDate:2014Abstract:The main goal of the present research was to investigate the values and the dynamics of certain vaginal parameters in bitches during the different stages of the sexual cycle and after some genital and extragenital influences.
A total of 179 female and 27 male dogs were investigated between 2010 and 2013. The experimental animals were 1- ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:Ехографски проучвания на физиологични и патологични състояния на млечната жлеза при козата
Author:Фасулков, ИванDate:2013Abstract:The main goal of the present research was to investigate the potential of
ultrasonography for detection and diagnosis of changes occurring in some
physiological and pathological states of mammary gland in goats.
A total of 232 goats were investigated between 2009 and 2013. The
experimental animals were 2- to 8-years old, weighing 40 to ...Library:
Title:Кардиологични и параклинични изследвания при коне с нарушения в сърдечносъдовата дейност
Author:Събев, СашоDate:2017Abstract:Смущенията в дейността на сърдечносъдовата система при спортните коне са актуални и често срещани състояния. Те възникват в следствие на органични изменения в синусовия възел, проводящите пътища или мускулната тъкан на сърцето. Нарушенията в работата на сърцето могат да бъдат провокирани от морфологични промени в клапите и прилежащите им ...Library: