Андонова, Мария; Andonova, Maria
Възможности за коригиране на нарушенията в естествените защитни механизми при животни с различна чувствителност към антигени на Грам-негативни бактерии
Possibilities for correction of innate immunity mechanisms’ disorders in animals with different sensitivity to Gram-negative bacterial antigens
бактерии; бактериални инфекции; грам-негативни бактерии; защитни механизми; имунитет
The main purpose of this thesis was to use experimental models with animal species with different sensitivity to antigens of Gram-negative bacteria E. coli and P. аeruginosa in order to differentiate occurring disturbances in antioxidant and defense systems. On this basis, the aim to develop strategic programmes and solutions to support the correction of impaired mechanisms of defense associated to barrier systems and innate immunity – inflammation, acute-phase response, phagocytosis.
In used experimental animal models, the effects of E.coli, serotype O111:B4 lipopolysaccharide were evaluated in animals with low sensitivity to it (mice, rats) and animals with high sensitivity (pigs). New algorithms for correction of LPS-induced systemic disturbances were developed. Nimesulide, applied in mice for oxidative stress control, normalised reduced glutathione levels, succeeded to regulate hypoglycaemia but blood catalase activity remained low, and malondialdehyde levels - high.
In rats and pigs, LPS induced a strong inflammation response, decompensated metabolic acidosis, accompanied with increased blood lactate levels at the background of hypoglycaemia. Indomethacin altered plasma PGЕ2 and IL-1β concentrations in rats but could not prevent blood acid-base deviations. Cimetidine protected against intraperitoneal LPS challenge as seen from normalised cellular and humoral factors of defense and restoration of the acid-base equilibrium.