Title:Автоматизирано определяне на последователността на заваряване при изработване на конструкции
Author:Лафчиев, Георги Борисов; Lafchiev, Georgi Вorisov; Ямболиев, Теофил Ангелов; Iamboliev, Teofil AngelovDate:1995Abstract:Multiple factors influence the welding sequence. Therefore , its specification is both labour and time consuming, especially in case of heavy or sophisticated weld structures. An algorithms for a welding sequence specification was developed which contributes to an increase of the technological design productivity and minimizes the operator ...Library:
Title:Нов метод за пресмятане на силата на триене в направляващите на металорежещи машини
Author:Мишев, Георги; Mishev, GeorgiDate:1995Abstract:The friction in (he sliding guide ways of the machine tools is an essential parameter deforming the static and dynamic behavior of the straight-forward moving machine elements-slides and tables. The objective of (his paper is to introduce a new method for estimation of (he friction force in (he sliding guide ways of (he machine tools ...Library:
Title:Компютърна програма за подготовка и симулиране на обучението по електродъгово заваряване
Author:Раевска, Снежана; Raevska, SnejanaDate:1995Abstract:Computer multimedia systems poses some qualities for education encluding the technical objects, too. In the current publication we inform for some attempt of creation of such multimedia program for the purposes of the part of laboratories on Welding technology for the students of Manufacturing engineering " in the Technical University of ...Library:
Title:Изследване на механичните характеристики на предварително напрегнати влакнесто-композиционни материали
Author:Маринов, Валери; Marinov, Valery; Левичаров, Георги; Levitcharov, GeorgeDate:1995Abstract:Experimental results of the initial research work on new class composite materials with prestressed fibers are presented. Experiments with fiber reinforced plastics with glass fibers and epoxy resin matrix are carried out. The tensile and flexural strengths are investigated for specimens with different rate of prestress. The experimental ...Library:
Title:Моделиране по метода на крайните елементи на образуването на наслойка при правоъгълно рязане на алуминий
Author:Маринов, Валери; Marinov, ValeryDate:1995Abstract:A thermo-viscoplastic finite element model is presented to simulate metal flow, temperature and plastic deformation in the vicinity of the cutting edge when machining aluminum with HSS tool. The mechanical and thermal properties of the work material are accepted to depend on the cutting temperature. On the basis of the Von Mises criterion ...Library:
Title:Относно проектировъчнотодинамично изчисление на автомобила
Author:Козарев, Георги Йорданов; Kozarev, Georgi Yordanov; Нейков, Светозар Ангелов; Neikov, Svetozar AngelovDate:1995Abstract:The paper discuss the value of some parameters concerning the process of dynamical design computation for the vehicle. As a result of computer analisys of some statical data the autors propose more precise values for some parameters as well as some empirical relations between:
- the mass of the paying load the permanent mass of the ...Library:
Title:Технология за производство на стъклопластова локомотивна антена
Author:Раденков, Филип Димитров; Radenkov, Philip Dimitrov; Диков, Валентин Каменов; Dikov, Valentin Kamenov; Анастасов, Милчо Георгиев; Anastasov, Milcho GeorgievDate:1995Abstract:The locomotive antenna is used in the automatic railways transport control and it is mounted under the locomotive. Besides the radiolucency it must be resistant to vibrations, impacts and environmental aggressive media.
Thia equipment was elaborated and was practically realized by original technology of ULTrNM* and TIATS-BDJ. A glass-reinforced ...Library:
Title:Легиране на поликапроамид с модифициран бентонит
Author:Диков, Валентин Каменов; Dikov, Valentin Kamenov; Анастасов, Милчо Георгиев; Anastasov, Milcho GeorgievDate:1995Abstract:The thermoplastic polymers modified by elastomers show improved impact resistance but deteriorated static mechanical characteristics.
The aim of the present work Is to better the general mechanical properties of polycaproamide by involving small amounts of elastomer immobilized on dispersed filler.Poly(butadiene-co-styrene) latex particles ...Library:
Title:Пресмятане на зъбни колела от вискозоеластични материали
Author:Сгурева, Иванка Николаева; Sgureva, Ivanka Nikolaeva; Христова, Евелина Любчова; Hristova, Evelina LyubchovaDate:1995Abstract:Methods for calculating of polymeric materials gears,based on the hereditary theory of viscoelasticity has been developed. In the formulas for calculating of the contact strength and deformation of the gears,all the functions of elastic constants are replaced by corresponding operators.
The methods has been applied for calculating of ...Library:
Title:Пресмятане на гъвкави тръбопроводи от полимерни материали
Author:Сгурева, Иванка Николаева; Sgureva, Ivanka Nikolaeva; Христова, Евелина Любчова; Hristova, Evelina LyubchovaDate:1995Abstract:Methods for calculating of flexible pipelines made of visco-elastic materials,based on the elastic solution for flexible fibers,has been proposed.The following cases have been considered handing up on the same or different levels with small and big slacks.The results have been compared with those,obtained from the evaluations for thick-walled ...Library:
Title:Изследване на новосинтезирани съединения като стабилизатори за LLDX - композиции
Author:Аламинов, Александър Христов; Alaminov, Alexander Hristov; Албадауи, Вержиния Петрова; Albadaoui, Verginia Petrova; Маринова, Атанасия Тодорова; Marinova, Atanasia TodorovaDate:1995Abstract:Newly synthesized adducts of cyanuric acid, melamine and o-phosphoric acid have been studied. The static thermal stability and the kinetic of destruction have been determined in samples using thermogravimetric analysis. It was found that the additives, containing barium.zinc and cadmium in concentrations up to 3 vol % rize thermal stability ...Library:
Title:Радиационна модификация на изолационни поливинилхлоридни композиции
Author:Маринова, Атанасия Тодорова; Marinova, Atanasia Todorova; Аламинов, Александър Христов; Alaminov, Alexander Hristov; Албадауи, Вержиния Петрова; Albadaoui, Verginia PetrovaDate:1995Abstract:Radiation-chemical modification of polymers is a present-day method for receiving electro insulating materials with enhanced operating properties and low prime cost Modification of model and industrial insulating PVC-compositions has been carried out using ionizing radiations - y - radiation “Co and radiation with accelerated electrons in ...Library:
Title:Брикетиране на дървесно-лигнинови смеси за пречистване на утайки от ПСОВ, използувани при компостиране
Author:Камбуров, Валентин Вълков; Kambourov, Valentin Valkov; Маринова, Светла Гарванска; Marinova, Svеtla Garvanska; ДимитроВа, Виолета Димитрова; Dimitrova, Violeta Dimitrova; Романски, Иван Генчев; Romansky, Ivan GenchevDate:1995Abstract:Composting is a cost effective and environmentally sound alternative for stabilization of a domestic waste water sludge. By possible utilization of those product in agriculture a sludge organic matter and nutrients could be recycled. A typical composting components are dewatered sludge mixed to a bulking agents consist of wood chips, straw, ...Library:
Title:Зони на разпространение на атмосферни замърсители при бензиностанции със системи за възстановяване на бензинови изпарения
Author:Романски, Иван Генчев; Romansky, Ivan Genchev; Камбуров, Валентин Вълков; Kambourov, Valentin Valkov; Цанков, Любен Иванов; Tzankov, Lyuben Ivanov; Шипчанова, Ирена Александрова; Shipchanova, Irena AlexandrovaDate:1995Abstract:Air pollution within an area of petrol stations during filling of the station and cars is a problem for solving not only by petrol distribution companies but also by regional inspectorates of environment. A limitation of petrol vapors is connected to better air quality near to the station and fuel saving. On this way are also restricted ...Library:
Title:Размишления върху компютърния анализ и синтез на динамични модели с половин степен на свобода
Author:Стоев, Теодоси Манолов; Stoev, Teodosi ManolovDate:1995Abstract:Разгледани са динамични модели за приведени сили зависещи от положението и скоростта.Направен е анализ на известни и нови приблизителни методи.Показани са графики, получени от компютърен синтезLibrary:
Title:Синтез на коляно-мотовилков механизъм при строги изисквания за скорост и ускорение на изпълнителното звено
Author:Гарабитов, Стефан Ангелов; Garabitov, Stephan Angelov; Христов, Веселин; Christov, VeselinDate:1995Abstract:The case we are considering is an evahiation of the traditional method for
synthesis of the crank mechanism with requirements about displacement, velocity and acceleration of the actuating link. With already definite parameters of the mechanism exact law of motion of the guide link is defined giving the velocity and acceleration of the ...Library:
Title:Синтез на примкообразуващо устройство
Author:Тодоров, Тодор Стоилов; Todorov, Todor StoilovDate:1995Abstract:This paper presents a dimensional synthesis method for loop-forming device of machine for non woven textile coverings The output link displacement of this device is fulfilled by Watt six-link mechanism The loop-forming process is a result of synchronize motion of the output link and a transport link, which accomplishes uniform rotation. The ...Library:
Title:Възможности за рекуперация на кинетична енергия с многодисков рекуператор и степенна трансмисия
Author:Маринов, Филип Павлов; Marinov, Philip PavlovDate:1995Abstract:A multiple flywheel with a conventional transmission has been studied for the purpose of storing and recuperating kinetic energy. A numerical algorithm to compute the recuperated energy by the system has been developed, and was applied to optimize the system. The real field, concerning the number of transmission stages and the number of ...Library:
Title:Кинематични съображения при синтез на трансмисии с плавно изменение на предавателното отношение
Author:Маринов, Филип Димитров; Marinov, Philip Dimitrov; Живков, Венелин Стоянов; Jivkov, Venelyn StoyanovDate:1995Abstract:Continuously variable transmissions (CVT) composed of a differential gear and a variable-speed drive have been analysed. The possibilities for linking of a variable- speed drive with differential gear have been investigated and the gear ratio equations have been derived for every particular case.Library: