Title:Канален конвертор на местни телевизионни програми за кабелни мрежи
Author:Добрев, Добри Михайлов; Йорданова, Лидия; Dobrev, Dobri Mihaylov; Yordanova, LidiyaDate:1995Abstract:A local TV programs channel converter is represented in this article. It is based on the method which has been suggested by the authors. A certain program is replaced by a preliminary selected satellite program at the time when the fast is not broad-casted on the air. The method considers, that the local program which is transmitted on the ...Library:
Title:Структурни особености на морфологичните матрици при диагностика и квалиметрия чрез вариоструктурен анализ
Author:Неделчев, Любен Ат.; Nedelchev, Lyuben At.Date:1995Abstract:This work is a continuation of the method called VARIO - STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS suggested by the author. The second of the four modules, concerning the formation of the morphological matrix is being discussed. This matrix is used for diagnostics of electronic components.Library:
Title:Изграждане на компютърни системи за контрол и управление на базата на SIMATIC S7-200
Author:Щерев, Зафир Щерев; Shterev, Zafir ShterevDate:1999Abstract:The paper describes different ways of designing real-time computer systems for data acquisition and control using SIMATIC S7-20 programmable logic controllers (PLC's). The first of the paper presents the design of decentralized systems based on the PROFIBUS DP protocol. The second part deals with the data link between an S7-200 controller ...Library:
Title:Schedulability analysis of hard real - time systems
Author:Angelov, Hristo Kirilov; Ivanov, Ivan Evgeniev; Геров, Христо Кирилов; Иванов, Иван ЕвгениевDate:1999Abstract:This paper presents a schedulability analysis technique which has been developed in order to accurately evaluate task reaction times in the context of the HARTEX real-time kernel. It takes into account specific features of that kernel, and in particular: asynchronous event-driven operation, interruptible and preemptable execution of kernel ...Library:
Title:High–performance task management for hard real-time systems
Author:Angelov, Hristo Kirilov; Ivanov, Ivan Evgeniev; Ангелов, Христо Кирилов; Иванов, Иван ЕвгениевDate:1999Abstract:The paper presents advanced task management techniques featuring Boolean vectors and parallel (bitwise) vector operations on kernel data structures. These techniques have been applied to three aspects of task management: task scheduling, task execution request generation and task synchronization. A major effect has been thus achieved since ...Library:
Title:Изкуствен интелект и информационно общество
Author:Геров, Александър Найденов; Gerov, Alexandar NaydenovDate:1999Abstract:The article promotes the definition that in the intelligent program systems software is separated from knowledge. It is also shown that in the informational output a considerable part of the work consists of processing and usage of knowledge. Therefore the conclusion that "machines" assisting effective production in the information society, ...Library:
Title:Приложение теорията на графите за декомпозиране на системи финитни уравнения
Author:Николов, Недялко НиколаевDate:1999Abstract:In the present article a description of finite (algebraic and/ or transcedental) equations is presented by graph. Two algorithms for partial and full orientation of the resulting graph are examined Also, an algorithm for separation of cycles in operational graph is suggested which are obtained as a result of the first two Using the method ...Library:
Title:Моделиране и симулация чрез обобщени мрежи на обработката на детайли по зададени показатели
Author:Филипова, Красимира Василева; Стефанова-Павлова, Мария Милкова; Аладжов, Христо Цветанов; Filipova, Krasimira Vasileva; Stefanova-Pavlova, Maria Milkova; Aladюгov, Hristo TsvetanovDate:1999Abstract:This paper models, analyzes and simulates potential failures, which may occur in a materials handling system with Generalized Nets (GN). GN are able to cope with various important failure situations that occur in manufacturing system - for example - qualitative detail failures: deviation in weight, dimensions or solidity; disturbances by ...Library:
Title:Nonlinear adaptive controller for activated sludge process
Author:Georgieva, Petya Georgieva; Георгиева, Петя ГеоргиеваDate:1999Abstract:The concept of adaptive 2.-tracking is applied as feedback control strategy to activated sludge process. The control objective is to track a varying reference signal asymptotically only within a pre-defined small tracking error in the presence of actuator constraints. The control design is based on the dynamical mass balance equations of ...Library:
Title:Идентификация на измервателни преобразуватели и уреди
Author:Маджарова, Мария Димитрова; Иванова, Мариола Найденова; Madzharova, Mariya Dimitrova; Ivanova, Mariola NaydenovaDate:1999Abstract:In this report deteministic and statistical approach are applied for finding parametric and nonparametric models of thermo - converters. By means of real experiments based on warming-up and cooling in wailer surrounding the corresponding time - responce characteristics are optained. Two ways are applied for the calculation of parameters of ...Library:
Title:Оптимално сингулярно адаптивно наблюдение и моделиране на електромеханична система
Author:Люцканов, Коста Димитров; Lyutskanov, Kosta DimitrovDate:1999Abstract:The results from the application of an algorithm for optimal singular adaptive observation for the identification of the parameters and the estimation of the initial and the current state vector of an electromechanical system are presented in the report. They can be used for the synthesis of an adaptive control. As an example a two mass ...Library:
Title:Метод за измерване на турбулентния шум на акустични гласови сигнали
Author:Митев, Петър Димитров; Mitev, Petar DimitrovDate:1999Abstract:In this article a new acoustic parameter for the objective description of human voice quality is introduced. It indicates the turbulent noise generated in the vocal tract and it is named Turbulent Noise Index (TNI). A method for calculating of TNI is described. Experiments with synthetic voice signals show that THI is almost independent of ...Library:
Title:MATLAB - implementation of MM2A1 – algorithm for reduced order optimal singular adaptive observation of MIMO linear discrete systems
Author:Sotirov, Emil Mihailov; Nikolov, Nikola Nikolaev; Сотиров, Емил Михайлов; Николов, Никола НиколаевDate:1999Abstract:MATLAB-implementation of an algorithm for synthesis of the new generation of discrete reduced order adaptive observers, including reduced optimal estimators of the initial state vector, identifiers of parameters and discrete reduced optimal singular (full and degenerate) adaptive observers of the current state vector, for MIMO linear discrete ...Library:
Title:MATLAB - implementation of MMNSA 1 – algorithm for optimal singular adaptive observation of siso linear discrete systems with unknown disturbance
Author:Sotirov, Lyubomir Nikolaev; Сотиров, Любомир Николаев; Nikolov, Nikola Nikolaev; Николов, Никола НиколаевDate:1999Abstract:MATLAB-implementation of an algorithm for synthesis of the new generation of discrete adaptive observers, including optimal estimators of the initial state vector of the system and initial state vector of the disturbance, identifiers of parameters, discrete observers of current state vector of the disturbance and discrete optimal singular ...Library:
Title:Идентификация на системи – проблематика и традиции
Author:Гарипов, Емил Михайлов; Garipov, Емил МихайловDate:1999Abstract:Author's personal view on the study and research development in the field of system identification during the last 25 years in the Faculty of Automatics is written down. A survey is made about the problems, which stay in the focus of permanent interest of the professors and their assistants as a response of the theoretical ideas and ...Library:
Title:Изчисляване на стационарните режими в асинхронни машини при използване на нелинеен модел на интервален метод
Author:Колев, Любомир Варадинов; Божилов, Ганчо Йорданов; Пенев, Димитър; Kolev, Lyubomir Varadinov; Bozhilov, Gancho Yordanov; Penev, DimitarDate:1999Abstract:In this paper, the problem of numericaly mining the steady-state in asinchronous mashines is considered. Based on a appropriate mathematic model the original problem is reduced to a system of four nonlinear algebraic equations. The solution of the latter system is obtained using an efficient interval method which guarantees convergence and ...Library:
Title:Приложение на Марковските процеси за вземане на решение в моделите за поддържане на технологично оборудване при интервална параметрична неопределеност
Author:Гатев, Гео Иванов; Пулева, Теофана Тодорова; Gatev, Geo Ivanov; Puleva, Teofana TodorovaDate:1999Abstract:An application of Markovian Decision Processes for solving machine maintenance problem is considered. The model's uncertainty is described by interval matrix of expected cost. On the base of interval extensions of the Policy-Improvement Algorithms, Criterion of Discounted Costs, Method of Succesive Approximations and Criterion of Long-Run ...Library:
Title:Information redundancy in fuzzy systems
Author:Kalaikov, Ivan Genchev; Калайков, Иван ГенчевDate:1999Abstract:The problem of existing of information redundancy in the fuzzified form of a crisp variable is considered. It it proved that under defined assumptions only part of the bits in the digital form of the crisp, measurement are sufficient for extraction of the membership degree and the labels of the fired fuzzy sets. Then less bits in the binary ...Library: