Title:Управляемост и наблюдаемост на нелинейни системи : методът на диференциалната геометрия
Author:Перев, Камен Лазаров; Иванова, Мариола Найденова; Perev, Kamen Lazarov; Ivanova, Mariola NaydenovaDate:1999Abstract:This paper considers the problem of controllability and observability of a class nonlinear systems. A short introduction to the theory of differential geometry is presented. In the differential geometric framework is given the system description, which is nonlinear in state but linear with respect to input signals. The similarities and ...Library:
Title:Condition and error estimates in the numerical solution of matrix equations in control theory
Author:Petkov, Petko; Konstantinov, Mihail; Christov, Nicolai; Петков, Петко; Константинов, Михаил; Христов, НиколайDate:1999Abstract:The condition number and error estimation in the numerical solution of matrix algebraic continuous-time and discrete-time Lyapunov and Riccati equations is considered. The estimates presented involve the solution of triangular Lyapunov equations along with usage of the LAPACK norm estimator.Library:
Title:Децентрализиран подход към спецификация на услугите на интелигентна мрежа
Author:Пенчева, Евелина Николова; Pencheva, Evelina NikolovaDate:1995Abstract:This paper presents a model of Intelligent Network (IN) services using the decentralized approach to specification of service logic and data at the level of distributed functional plane. This alternative is based on the assumption that the service logic is distributed among the Functional Entities represented as SDL processes, that are ...Library:
Title:Централизиран подход към спецификация на услугите на интелигентна мрежа
Author:Пенчева, Евелина Николова; Pencheva, Evelina NikolovaDate:1995Abstract:The paper presents a model of Intelligent Network (IN) services using the centralized approach to specification of service logic and data at the level of distributed functional Plane. This alternative is based on the assumption that functional entities should not be adapted to different uses in different services. The service logic is ...Library:
Title:Изследване на оптичен сензор на промишлен робот
Author:Видеков, Валентин Христов; Джамийков, Тодор Стоянов; Videkov, Valentin HristovDate:1995Abstract:A manipulator for industrial robot is treated. On the manipulator it mounted an optical sensor for detection of a semiconductor substrate presence. In the paper IS presented an algorithm and results from the examination of the fuming out diagram of a forward and vertical optical sensor.Library:
Title:Активни стратегии за разпознаване на форми
Author:Венков, Пенчо Георгиев; Venkov, Pentcho GeorgievDate:1999Abstract:Some general suggestions are involved to outline the implementation of usefull algorithms for edge detection and controur segmentation in the practical vision systems. The model-based approach of analysis is compared against general passive methods of contour extraction and shape recognition. The new approach, proposed in this paper is based ...Library:
Title:Градиентен подход за Hough трансформация на праволинейни сегменти в изображения с нива на сиво
Author:Каменова, Нина Петрова; Kamenova, Nina Petrova; Венков, Пенчо Георгиев; Venkov, Pentcho GeorgievDate:1999Abstract:In this paper is described the developed gradient approach for Hough transform of detecting line segments in grey level images. The main idea of the offered approach consists in definig of edge points in the image, with an Sobel operator and an thresholding detector. Each of this points is mapped in a Hough space in an only one point by ...Library:
Title:Анализ на разширеното акумулаторно пространство на Hough за опрделяне на праволинейни контурни сегменти
Author:Каменова, Нина Петрова; Венков, Пенчо Георгиев; Kamenova, Nina Petrova; Venkov, Pentcho GeorgievDate:1999Abstract:The subject of the current paper is the detection of line segments by analyzing of the information in the expanded Hough space, resulting of the mapping of edge points in the parameter space by the gradient approach. The analysis consist of two stages procedure: in the first stage are detected local extrema by clustering of the neighbouring ...Library:
Title:Имитационно моделиране на едноканална телетрафична система с чакане при неравномерен входящ поток
Author:Мирчев, Сеферин Тодоров; Mirtchev, Seferin TodorovDate:1995Abstract:In this paper a simulation algorithm of the single waiting .system with constant service time, finite buffer and peaked input stream is explained. During the progress of the simulation, interarrival time is determined by random numbers and when the call terminate this interval is corrected. -It is shown that the single waiting system with ...Library:
Title:Коаксиален датчик за пермеаметър
Author:Сладкаров, Александър Маринов; Sladkarov, Alexandar MarinovDate:1995Abstract:In the paper an analysis of the possibility of magnetic permeability measurement of ferrite sample placed in coaxial waveguide is developed. The proper frequency range of the resonant measurement with coaxial permeameter is investigated. The requirements of the parameters of the samples and short-circuiting coaxial waveguide are obtained.Library:
Title:Обектно – ориентиран подход за извличане на речеви параметри
Author:Атанасов, Венцислав Борисов; Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев; Momchedzhikov, Mihail Blagoev; Atanassov, Ventsislav BorissovDate:1995Abstract:The object-oriented approach for the implementation of an experimental system for extraction of acoustic speech parameters is discussed in the article. The article stresses the building of hierarchy of classes which serve the software system, as superstructure of standard defined classes of Object Windows library (OWL) and ClassLib in the ...Library:
Title:Сравнителен анализ на някои методи за защита на говорна информация
Author:Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев; Ле Хай Чау; Чобански, Валентин Н.; Momchedzhikov, Mihail Blagoev; Le Hay ChauDate:1995Abstract:Cryptography is essential for the reliability of the radio connection. Ciphering aims at choosing a technology that will provide the desired reliability of deciphering A comparative analysis of some methods for ciphering speech information is proposed in the article. The criteria for comparing the methods are based on cryptoanalysis, ...Library:
Title:Изследване на признаците за разпознаване на текст на монголски език
Author:Бекярски, Александър Богданов; Осорин, Л.; Bekyarski, Alexandar Bogdanov; Osorin, L.Date:1995Abstract:Recognition of letters in mongolian alphabet is a problem the solving of which is very important for more wide applications of national alphabet in Mongolia. The mongolian letters consist of some basic figures (primares) elements. Therefor first must be made the recognition of these basic elements in mongolian words. It is proposed in this ...Library:
Title:Критерии за определяне зоната на действие на интермодулационните смущения при въздухоплавателните служби
Author:Додов, Никола Иванов; Панков, Борислав; Dodov, Nikola Ivanov; Pankov, BorislavDate:1995Abstract:The present and future development of the FM sound-broadcasting networks in our country can lead to unacceptable interferences with the navigation and communication radio equipment of aeronautical services. Two kinds of interferences - these resulting from intermodulation products caused by different radio transmitters operating on common ...Library:
Title:Gate delay model of pass - transistor logic
Author:Chumachenko, Vasiliy Platonovich; Vasileva, Tanichka Krumova; Чумаченко, Василий Платонович; Василева, Таничка КрумоваDate:1995Abstract:A simple gate delay model useful for analysis and optimization of pass-transistor logic circuit is proposed. The macromodel is based on device equation and is found to be an analytical function of capacitive. load and device sizes. Curve fitting of model equation to SPICE simulation results is used for coefficient obtaining. The procedure ...Library:
Title:Бърз алгоритъм за определяне разпределението на параметрите на комуникационни устройства и системи
Author:Ненов, Георги Димитров; Nenov, Georgi Dimitrov; Лишков, Славчо Димитров; Lishkov, Slavcho DimitrovDate:1995Abstract:In this paper we introduce a fast algorithm for estimation of the distribution of output parameters of communication systems and devices. For this purpose a fraction factorization experiment is used. A decimation in observation time is achived and representativness of the data record is ensured.Library:
Title:Компютърни радиомрежи за дистанционен контрол и управление
Author:Алтимирски, Емил Савов; Altimirski, Emil SavovDate:1995Abstract:The paper provides information about the scientific investigations and applications in the field of computer radionetworks for remote monitoring and control of more than 2000 distant objects in electrical supply, water supply, environment protection, hydrometeorogical service, security systems, military service etc. The design and application ...Library:
Title:Точностни характеристики на радиометричния екологичен мониторинг в инфрачервения обхват
Author:Фердинандов, Ервин Стефанов; Ferdinandov, Ervin StefanovDate:1995Abstract:The communication channel of a radiometric system for receiving, transmitting and processing of temperature distribution data of earth and water surfaces has been analysed of the needs of remote ecological monitoring in the infrared spectral range. Expressions have been derived for the signal - to - noise ratio and measurement resolution. ...Library:
Title:Възможности за повишаване ефективността на силициев фотоелемент
Author:Витанов, Петко Костадинов; Vitanov, Petko Kostadinov; Тютюнджиев, Николай Христов; Tyutyundzhiev, Nikolay Hristov; Каменова, Марийка Тодорова; Kamenova, Mariyka Todorova; Делибашева, Мария Христова; Delibasheva, Mariya HristovaDate:1995Abstract:On the top n+ — region of the standard n+p solar cell used in the experiment was formed thin porous silicon (PS) layer. The photovoltaic properties of two identical samples with and without porous silicon are compared. The tested structures are measured under solar simulated light of 100 mW/cm2. It was observed that the short circuit current ...Library: