Sotirov, Lyubomir Nikolaev; Сотиров, Любомир Николаев; Nikolov, Nikola Nikolaev; Николов, Никола Николаев
MATLAB - implementation of MMNSA 1 – algorithm for optimal singular adaptive observation of siso linear discrete systems with unknown disturbance
Other Titles:
MATLAB - реализация на MMNSA 1 - алгоритъм за оптимално сингулярно адаптивно наблюдение на едновходови линейни дискретни системи с неизвестно смущение
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Годишник на ТУ-София, 50(2), 1999. Автоматика и информатика : Юбилейна научна сесия „25 години Факултет „Автоматика“ ТУ–София 07-08.06.1999 София, с. 98-109
0374-342Х [issn]
приложни програми – MATLAB – приложение; автоматично управление – анализ и модели; MATLAB-implementation; optimal singular adaptive observation
MATLAB-implementation of an algorithm for synthesis of the new generation of discrete adaptive observers, including optimal estimators of the initial state vector of the system and initial state vector of the disturbance, identifiers of parameters, discrete observers of current state vector of the disturbance and discrete optimal singular (full and degenerate) adaptive observers of the current state vector of the system, for SISO linear discrete systems with unknown disturbance is suggested. The estimation of the initial state vector elements of the system and the disturbance is not typical for the methods for synthesis of discrete adaptive observers, based only on identifiers. The synthesized MMNSA1-algorithm has features such as large-scale granularity and natural parallelism, which also allow its software and hardware implementation on a parallel computer architectures.
Sotirov, Ljubomir Nikolaev et al. MATLAB – implementation of MMNSA 1 – algorithm for optimal singular adaptive observation of siso linear discrete systems with unknown disturbance / Lyubomir Sotirov, Nikola Nikolov. (Systems and control). // Годишник на ТУ-София, Том 50, 1999, № 2. Автоматика и информатика : Юбилейна научна сесия „25 години Факултет „Автоматика“ ТУ–София 07-08.06.1999 София, с. 98-109 : с формули. - Рез. на бълг. и англ. ез.; С библиогр.