Заглавие:Качествен контрол чрез методи за разпознаване на образи и анализ на акустични сигнали
Автор:Гълъбов, Васил Тотев; Galabov, Vassil Totev; Маринов, Марин Беров; Marinov, Marin BerovДата:1995Резюме:The possibility for applying of pattern recognition and signal analysis methods is investigated in order to develop a quality control system for serial products through their classification on the base of the emitted acoustic noises in operation mode.
From the time-domain analysis of these noises are detected such typical defects as ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Higher-order rational s-to-z transformations
Автор:Georgiev, Vladimir Ivanov; Георгиев, Владимир Иванов; Gurova, Elissaveta Vassileva; Гурова, Елисавета ВасилеваДата:1995Резюме:A number of different s-z transformations either based on numerical integration methods or derived directly from the mapping function are considered. The transformations and their properties are compared on an uniform basis. A study of the relationship between the continuous-time and the discrete-time frequency, the stability region and the ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Алгоритми за диспечиране в системи за реално време
Автор:Мизхер, Уалид Казем; Mizher, Waleed Kasem; Патрашков, Румен Йорданов; Patrashkov, Rumen JordanovДата:1995Резюме:В статията е направен опит да се обобщи състоянието на разработва¬ните алгоритми в системите за реално време. Дискутирани са четири постановки, подчертаващи подходите за диспечиране. Това са: статично-таблично управляемо диспечиране, статично диспечиране с прекъсване на приоритетите; динамично, пла¬нирано диспечиране; динамично с най-добър ефект диспечиране.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Scheduling algorithms for real -time systems (2)
Автор:Mizher, Waleed Kasem; Мизхер, Уалид Казем; Patrashkov, Rumen Jordanov; Патрашков, Румен ЙордановДата:1995Резюме:In the first paper we summarized the state of the real-time field in the area of scheduling. Also we have categorized the state of the art into four paradigms are: static table- driven scheduling, static priority preemptive scheduling, dynamic planning-based scheduling and dynamic best effort scheduling.
In this paper we will discuss these ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Модел и алгоритъм за определяне на семантичната структура на локативни наименования в български, полски и руски език
Автор:Виларова, Маргарита Димитрова; Vilarova, Margarita Dimitrova; Ангелов, Николай Петров; Angelov, Nikolai PetrovДата:1995Резюме:The structural semantic model for description of word group with a common lo¬cation indicating semantics was formulated based on a study of word-building types in common for three Slavonic languages (Bulgarian, Polish and Russian). Based upon a specific linguistic material, an algorithm and PC software were developed, by means of which a ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Съвременни проблеми на теорията на автоматичното управление
Автор:Томов, Илия Иванов; Tomov, Ilia IvanovДата:1995Резюме:A brief review of the results of the automatic control theory is presented in the first part of the paper. The main part of the paper is devoted to the problems of control in the case of a priory uncertainty. The recent results of theory of robust and adaptive control systems and the directions of future investigations in this area are discussed.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Синтез на cap с използуване на интервален метод
Автор:Пенев, Д. H .; Penev, D. N.; Колев, Л. В.; Kolev, L. V.Дата:1995Резюме:Presently, there exist a number of methods for parametric synthesis of Unear control systems. Most of then are based on the assumption that all the parameters of the plant have fixed well-know values.
In the present paper, use of interval approach is suggested for the parametric synthesis of control systems. An algorithm is developed for ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Критерий за робастна устойчивост на линейни вериги и системи
Автор:Колев, Любомир Варадинов; Kolev, lyubomir VaradinovДата:1995Резюме:A criterion (necessary and sufficient conditions) for robust stability of linear
circuits (systems) with interval parameters is suggested, which is applicable to circuits described by their characteristic polynomial. It reduces to checking the inconsistency of a corresponding system of non-linear equalities and inequalities. An appropriate ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Подход на интервалния анализ и алгоритми за решаване на мрежови задачи и задачи на динамичното програмиране при параметрична неопределеност
Автор:Гатев, Гео Иванов; Gatev, Geo IvanovДата:1995Резюме:Interval analysis approach and algorithms for solving network and dynamic programming problems under parametric uncertainty are presented. An appropriate metric is introduced on the set of all intervals and simple necessary a sufficient conditions for checking the relation < are proposed. The offered algorithms are more effective than the ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Изследване на формални модели на аристотелевата силогистика чрез компютърно моделиране
Автор:Янков, Боян Янков; Yankov, Boyan Yankov; Шойлев, Христо Захариев; Shoilev, Christo ZaharievДата:1995Резюме:The problems of computer modeling with Aristoteles Syllogismus is discuss in this paper. It is possible inference of the new knowledge make with different logic, classic and nonclassic (Russel, Frege, Luis). In this work is applied the operators of sententional logic and here is present the predicament of produce.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Някои възможности за оптимизация на операциите в процесори за обработка на масиви от данни
Автор:Манолов, Петър Георгиев; Manoilov, Peter GeorgievДата:1995Резюме:The article investigates some possibilities for optimization of data operations in specialized integrated circuits, intended for design of array processors. The optimization work uses two methods - the method of vectorization and the method of pipelined execution of the program cycles. Examined are the operations of applied programs, executed ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Изследване на рекурсия и итерация в процедурното програмиране
Автор:Бонев, Стоян Бонев; Bonev, Stoyan BonevДата:1995Резюме:Recursion and iteration as alternate approaches applied to procedure-oriented programming to solve a wide range of practical problems are compared. Different kinds of recursion and iteration as well as modes for their program implementation are under discussion. Space and time consumption characteristics for alternate solutions of four ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Невронно-размит модел и приложение в задачата за банков кредит
Автор:Трифонов, Румен Иванов; Trifonov, Roumen IvanovДата:1995Резюме:A hybrid model, which is integration of two different directions of the Artificial Intelligence -neural networks and fuzzy systems, is presented. The cooperation of the both in one model aim to overcome the weaknesses of the particular paradigms and to give most potential possibilities for application. A hyrarchical system of back propagation ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Зависимост между вида на форманта и структурно- семантичното уравнение на производни лексеми с локативно значение в славянските езици
Автор:Виларова, Маргарита Димитрова; Vilarova, Margarita Dimitrova; Ангелов, Николай Петров; Angelov, Nikolai PetrovДата:1995Резюме:A correlation analysis based on a generalized structural-semantic model, was applied by the study of a differentiated word-building group of words, featuring location indication as a common semantic parameter, and having similar structures in the three Slavonic languages Bulgarian, Polish and Russian. The obtained results show the relationship ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Планиране на ресурсите в разпределени паралелни компютърни архитектури
Автор:Боровска, Пламенка Иванова; Borovska, Plamenka IvanovaДата:1995Резюме:This paper develops a new method for resource scheduling in distributed parallel computer architectures based on priority levels with communication costs minimization. The main goal is to achieve maximum performance of the parallel computer system of broad topological spectrum for various applications which is a combinatorial optimization ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Regular computer structures for fast solving of partial differential equations
Автор:Borovska, Plamenka Ivanova; Боровска, Пламенка ИвановаДата:1995Резюме:In this paper an efficient 3-D systolic computer architecture of cube topology is presented for fast solving of partial differential equations (PDE’S). The main goal is to acocommodate the existing parallel versions of algorithms for solving PDE’s to the specific computation geometry of the nearest neighbor connectivity of the cube topology ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Изследвания на въздушните потоци, обтичащи корпусите на металорежещите машини
Автор:Попов, Георги Тодоров; Popov, Georgi TodorovДата:1995Резюме:Experimental results concerning the velocity field of air flows blowing the body walls of machine tools at compulsory convection and discussed. Information is obtained about some aspects of an flows distribution and velocity field the researches provide a basis for mathematical description of the velocity field and creation of data base ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Евpиcтични методи в обучението по техническите дисциплини
Автор:Колева, Нели Любенова; Koleva, Nelly LubenovaДата:1995Резюме:Teaching always needs variety and quality. Qualitative new teaching methods have been elaborated as for that purpose, being based on a flexible balance between academic and pragmatic type of knowledge and both standard and not standard skills for problematic situations resolving. A didactic technological module has been drawn and motivated ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Особености на кристализацията в заваръчната вана
Автор:Ямболиев, Тeофил Ангелов; lamboliev, Theofil AngelovДата:1995Резюме:The influence of the G ГА welding parameters on the weld pool solidification of an Al- alloy is investigated. 5 types of solidification structure can be distinguished. UTS as high as 94-99% and elongation 89% compared with these of the base metal performs the stray-axial grain structure. Nucleous availability is necessary condition for ...Библиотека: