Title:Self-exited oscilllations within mixed friction regimes when reading the hydrodynamic theory of lubrication
Author:Butchvarov, Stefan Nikolov; Бъчваров, Стефан Николов; Karapetkov, Stanimir Mihailov; Карапетков, Стефан МихаиловDate:1995Abstract:Abstract: This paper deals with a dynamics model with two degrees of freedom on the basis of which a profound analysis is made about initiation and behavior of the self-exited oscillation. At the same time reads the hydrodynamics action of lubrication and dry friction with its dynamic performance. The different equations are solved in ...Library:
Title:Оценка на ергономичните качества на работното място на мотокар универсален високоповдигач с полуеластично окачване на силовия агрегат
Author:Тодоров, Михаил Дамянов; Todorov, Michael Damyanov; Генов, Юлиян Асенов; Genov, Joulian AsenovDate:1995Abstract:This paper is a continuation of the paper / //. In [ 11 is presented one mathematical model of a counterbalanced engine-driven fork-lift truck with half-elastic suspension of an engine and a hydrodynamic transmitter. This scheme is traditional for small trucks and it provides their optima! lengths. The engine with hydrotransmitter is directly ...Library:
Title:Алгоритъм и числена процедура за идентификация на механичните характеристики на линейни динамични системи
Author:Генов, Юлиян Асенов; Genov, Julian Asenov; Чернева, Здравка Тодорова; Cherneva, Zdravka TodorovaDate:1995Abstract:Based on frequency analysis of input excitations and object reactions the transfer function is obtained. Then coefficients are approximated by least squares method. The mechanical characteristics are optioned by solution of non-linear system of equations using optimization procedure.Library:
Title:Mutual influence
Author:Bozmarov, Petko Yordanov; Бозмаров, Петко Йорданов; Bozmarov, Yordan Petkov; Бозмаров, Йордан ПетковDate:1995Abstract:The mutual influence is considered between a multitude of identical, homogeneous and uniformly distributed vector fields, and a finite number of singular points, situated in isotropic, limited, three-dimensional space. The mutual influence is realized according to the given formulation of the problem. The obtained results are connected with ...Library:
Title:On the existing of a limit cycle or a class of quasi-linear autonomous systems
Author:Raeva, Maya Borisova; Раева, Майя; Bekjarski, Aleksandar Bogdanov; Бекярски, Александър БогдановDate:1995Abstract:The quasi-linear autonomous systems have some interesting performances. It is shown in this article on existing of a limit cycle for a class of these systems. This class is defined and it is proofed a theorem for some cases. A computer program allow to make a visualization of the decisions of these systems. This show the exists of the limit ...Library:
Title:Optimization problems in finite algebraic structures and some applications
Author:Bijev, Georgi Todorov; Бижев, Георги ТодоровDate:1995Abstract:Some methods and algorithms for computer investigations in finite algebraic structures, connected with optimization problems are considered in this paper. The application field could be investigations of the structures themselves as much as optimization problems. A minimum generating set (MGS) B of a given finite structure S is constructed. ...Library:
Title:Computer assisted analysis and design for a class of dynamic systems
Author:Venkov, Gancho Iliev; Венков, Ганчо Илиев; Krushev, Nedyalko Ivov; Крушев, Недялко ИвовDate:1995Abstract:The structure and the main functions of the interactive system MOODS, developed by the autors, are described. This software system for optimization and visualization is applied for designing a class of dynamic systems. Two main problems are considered. The first problem deals with design via optimization of robust linear dynamic system with ...Library:
Title:За приложенията на алгебрата
Author:Маринов, Васил; Marinov, VasilDate:1995Abstract:In this paper some researches of polylinear algebra are pointed popularly. There are some facts about the applications of mathematics in the technics. Some author's algebraical problems are published in the second panLibrary:
Title:Импримитивни N-тькани в двумерно финслерово пространство
Author:Панайотова, Галина Стоянова; Panajotova, Galina StoyanovaDate:1995Abstract:In this paper are treared imprimhive n-tisstis in F. The concept imprimitives n-tissues concerning one-parameter Lie's group is defined, It also contains some special cases: imprimitive lines in F; imprimitives nets in F; imprimitives three-tissues in F.Library:
Title:Гранична задача с краен брой импулси за система с управление
Author:Каранджулов, Людмил Иванов; Karandjulov, Ljudmil IvanovDate:1995Abstract:This work considers controlled differentia! system with boundary and impulsive conditions. A necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of a family of controls and corresponding family of solutions of the differential system, satisfying the generalized boundary and impulse conditions are obtained.
For the analysis of a linear ...Library:
Title:Asymptotic optimal algorithms for detecting signals in m-dependent markov noise
Author:Шишков, Благовест Борисов; Shishkov, Blagovest BorisovDate:1995Abstract:Asymptotic optima! (AO) algorithms for detection of signals in additive in¬dependent Markov noise are synthesized. The algorithms require the storage of m past dam samples to achieve optimum performance. Il is A 0 memory discrete-time detector of a deterministic or qiiasideterministic signal in m-dependent Markov noise, As a measure of ...Library:
Title:Анализ на грешката на средства за измерване с робастностна обратна връзка
Author:Цветков, Пламен Маринов; Tzvetkov, Plamen Marinov; Йорданова, Снежана Тодорова; Yordanova, Snejana TodorovaDate:1995Abstract:A measuring system with robustness feedback is proposed . An accuracy analysis of the system is carried out. The results obtained from the analytically derived expressions for the error of the measuring system and from the simulation of an example for a measuring device via the program SIMULINK prove the effectiveness of the robustness ...Library:
Title:Акустичен контрол при производството на фаянсови плочки
Author:Борисов, Борис Ненков; Borisov, Boris Nenkov; Пенчев, Любомир Пенчев; Penchev, Liubomir PenchevDate:1995Abstract:The possibility for поп-destructive control on the quality of ceramic tiles at the intermediate stage of their production is proven on the basis of the criteria suggested in this report. The efficiency of the method has been confirmed by industrial tests.Library:
Title:Позиционно електрозадвижване за мраморообработващи машини
Author:Борисов, Борис Ненков; Borisov, Boris Nenkov; Гебов, Владимир Крумов; Ghebov, Vladimir Krumov; Генадиев, Асен Стефанов; Ghcnadiev, Assen StefanovDate:1995Abstract:This report proves that by choosing a suitable control system, the size of end products can be quarantined for long periods of operation. An algorithm for control of the cutting tool. The precision of control has been proven by industrial tests.Library:
Title:Времево планиране на действия в робототехнически системи чрез клас обременени мрежи на петри и евристично търсене
Author:Димитров, Димитър; Dimitrov, Dimitar; Владимиров, Благовест; Vladimirov, BlagovestDate:1995Abstract:A new model for solving the NP-hard problem of scheduling actions in robotic and FMS systems is presented. Actions share resources (machines, tools, etc.) and can be partially ordered or completely unordered. The model is based on the extended timed Petri Net (PN) in which time is treated not as an external resource, but really does participate ...Library:
Title:Моделно-воден анализ на изображения
Author:Венков, Пенчо Георгиев; Venkov, Pentcho GeorgievDate:1995Abstract:A method is developed to recognize and locate randomly oriented and partially occulted "flat" objects. It is based upon matching the edge descriptions of an image with models of 2 D objects, represented by segmented polygonal contours. The method uses a technique of hypotheses generation to predict the position of a model in the scene by ...Library:
Title:Модифициран метод на hough за разпознаване на обекти
Author:Венков, Пенчо Георгиев; Venkov, Pentcho Georgiev; Каменова, Нина Петрова; Kamenova, Nina PetrovaDate:1995Abstract:Some improvements of the classical Hough Transform Method (H.T.) for con¬tour segmentation have been introduced in order to save computational time and to preserve from the incorrect chaining and merging of collinear segments. A third diminution of the accumulator array in the parameter space contribute to store the extreme points of each ...Library:
Title:Теоретични модели на биосензорни системи с различна ензимна кинетика
Author:Нейков, Александър Нейков; Neykov, Alexander Neykov; Стоянов, Стоян Неделчев; Stoyanov, Stoyan Nedelchev; Георгиев, Цанко Петров; Georgiev, Tsanko Petrov; Костов, Йордан Вълчев; Kostov, Iordan ValchevDate:1995Abstract:In this paper six general analytical models for amperometric membrane biosensors are purposed and researched. Biosensors can work in steady-state mode with product- or cosubstrate-sensivity electrochemical sensor. An analysis of input-output functions is made and parameter influences is evaluated. The results are represented in graphics. ...Library:
Title:Optimal design of channel distribution under uncertainty (A life insurance pricing example)
Author:Sapundjiev, George Neshev; Сапунджиев, Георги Нешев; Handjijska, Katia; Ханджийска, Катя; Mincoff, Nikolai; Минков, НиколайDate:1995Abstract:In this paper a fuzzy geometric programming (GP) based approach to the optimal design of channel distribution in life-insurance decision making is described. Volumes of sold life-insurance policies are independent variables of the model whereas price (premiums), advertising expenses and number of insurance agents are considered as dependent ...Library: