Заглавие:Робастни системи за управление – методи за синтез
Автор:Николова, Нина Георгиева; Nikolova, Nina Georgieva; Сапунджиев, Георги Нешев рец.Дата:2001Резюме:This paper has purpose to cover and systematizes the main criteria and methods used in syntheses of Robust Control Systems. A compilation of books and journal articles written on the subject of Robust Control during the period 1986- 1999 is made.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Моделиране на делта-сигма модулатор
Автор:Манолов, Емил Димитров; Manolov, Emil Dimitrov; Гаджева, Елисавета Димитрова рец.Дата:2001Резюме:In this paper the results from the functional modelling and investigation of a first order delta-sigma modulator are presented. The model is implemented by using EXCEL spread-sheet. The proposed approach can be applied in the examination of different kinds of A/D and D/A circuits.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Възможности за използване на честотното асинхронно пускане при синхронните турбогенератори
Автор:Димитрова, Евдокия Стоянова; Стоянов, Стоян Неделчев рец.Дата:2001Резюме:The possibilities for using of Frequency Asynchronous Starting (FAS) for Synchronous Turboalternators are described in the article. Successfully Frequency Asynchronous Starting can become and with step stopping generator. On the basis of practically oriented mathematical apparatus, FAS with stopping generator could modeling as is taken under ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Невронен модел на електрическите товари в промишлените предпрятия
Автор:Павлитов, Константин Недялков; Pavlitov, Konstantin Nedyualkov; Сидеров, Сидер Тонев; Siderov, Sider Tonev; Бакърджиев, Димитър Христов рец.Дата:2001Резюме:The Creation of a mathematical model of the electrical load time chart in an industrial enterprise is a statistical task of very high complexity due to nonlinear and stohastical character of the described quantities. An approximation of this functions is based on the application the artificial neural networks. The basic advantage of the ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Моделиране на система за управление на постояннотокова машина от системите за надеждно захранване в АЕЦ „Козлодуй“ в генераторен режим
Автор:Цолов, Ангел Белчев; Tsolov, Angel Belchev; Ризов, Пламен Миланов; Rizov, Plamen Milanov; Богоева, Цветелина Ал.; Bogoeva, Tsvetelina Al.; Малчев, Константин Малчев рец.Дата:2001Резюме:This article presents the models of automatic control system (ACS) and DC generator of the reversible generator-engine groups of 1st category DC power supply section in NPP "Kozloduy"- power blocks 1 to 4. Control parameters are accumulator battery current and tension. Object (designation) of research is optimal setup ACS, guarantee property ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Математическо моделиране на електромашинни агрегати за собствени нужди в електрическите централи
Автор:Крумов, Андрей Христов; Krumov, Andrei Hristov; Ризов, Пламен Миланов; Rizov, Plamen Milanov; Цолов, Ангел Белчев; Tsolov, Angel Belchev; Нотов, Петко Петров рец.Дата:2001Резюме:In the article is described the setup and the operation of a mathematical model of an electro- machinery aggregate operated by cage induction motor. Mechanisms like these are used in large numbers for the auxiliary of the electric power stations. The model is worked out with the help of the program products Matlab and Simulink, using the ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Прогнозиране на максималните товари и преноса на електрическа енергия в електрическата мрежа за средно напрежение в Република Тунис
Автор:Елюсеф, Али; Elyusef, Ali; Янев, Кирил Иванов рец.Дата:2001Резюме:Equations are proposed for prognostic calculations of the electric energy consumption and of the maximum electric load of the medium voltage distributing network of the Republic of Tunisia - for the whole country and for the separate regions. For each particular case the choice of appropriate functions for the prediction quantities is made ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Технико-икономически модели за оптимизиране района на разпределителна електрическа мрежа, електроснабдявана от една подстнация
Автор:Елюсеф, Али; Elyusef, Ali; Генков, Николай Тодоров; Genkov, Nikolay Todorov; Янев, Кирил Иванов; Yanev, Kiril IvanovДата:2001Резюме:A mathematical model is drawn up for optimization of the dimensions of a region where the electric energy users receive electric power from one substation transforming high voltage into medium voltage. It is assumed that the electric power supply region is a circle with radius R. A dependence is worked out between the length of the medium ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Условия за самовъзбуждане при празен ход на еднофазен безчетков синхронен генератор
Автор:Танев, Никола Костадинов; Божилов, Ганчо Йорданов рец.; Tanev, Nikola Kostadinov; Соколов, Емил Радулов; Sokolov, Emil RadulovДата:2001Резюме:The investigated single-phase brushless synchronous generator is of the type with a two-phase non-symmetrical stator winding and salient-pole rotor. The exciting is attained by means of the reverse-rotation field of the armature reaction. The double frequency e.m.f induced in the rotor coils causes rotor current, which is half-wave rectified ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Към определянето на електромагнитните параметри на асинхронните двигатели
Автор:Божилов, Ганчо Йорданов; Тодоров, Георги Тодоров рец.; Bozhilov, Gancho YordanovДата:2001Резюме:In this paper a method for determination of the mechanical power and electromagnetic torque of induction motor with cage rotor by calculations is proposed based on the measuring of the stator phases voltages and currents and the angle between him without using the internal parameters. For this purpose the theory of quadripoles is using and ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Многократно използваеми компоненти за електронно обучение по приложно програмиране
Автор:Павлова, Райна Стоичкова; Pavlova, Raina Stoichkova; Dimitrova, Todorka; Димитрова, Тодорка; Георгиева, Снежанка; Попова, Антоанета рец.Дата:2003Резюме:The aim of the paper is to contribute in enabling the search, adaptation Ind usage of existing teaching resources and elements for the needs of teachers, itudents and software systems I eLearning in application programming. Problems in his subject area are discussed and new up-to date technologies for their solving are affered. A software ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Comparison of BPNN tracking filters using different back – propagation algorithms
Автор:Daneva, Mimi D.; Данева, Мими Д.; Попова, Антоанета рец.Дата:2003Резюме:In this paper the results of an experimental comparison among six algorithms for error back-propagation used for non-maneuvering target track filtering and one-step-ahead prediction using back-propagation neural network (BPNN) are presented. The BPNN tracking error is compa-red with this of recursive Kalman filter by Monte Carlo experiment of 50 runs.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Метод за корекция на фазовите и амплитудни грешки при антенни решетки с подрешетъчна архитектура чрез планарно сканиране в близката зона на антената
Автор:Тошев, Александър Г.; Toshev, Alexandar G.; Фердинандов, Ервин рец.; Додов, Никола Иванов; Dodov, Nikola IvanovДата:2003Резюме:A method for correction of amplitude and phase errors of phased array antennas with sub-array architecture is presented. The procedure utilizes measurement of amplitude and phase distribution of the antenna in its near field by means of planar scan, back transformation of the measured distribution in the Alain of the antenna aperture and ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Метод за машинно проектиране на фазирани антенни решетки в микролентово изпълнение
Автор:Георгиев, Станислав Иванов; Georgiev, Stanislav Ivanov; Додов, Никола Иванов; Dodov, Nikola Ivanov; Фердинандов, Ервин рец.Дата:2003Резюме:In this article a method for design of phased antenna arrays is shown. The method is illustrated realizing a phased antenna array of 32 rectangular microstrip radiators. The antenna bandwidth is 9.9 — 10.1 GHz. Design is made using electromagnetic structure simulator 1E3D Zeland. A software electromagnetic full wave simulation of phased ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Водно маркиране на изображения чрез инверсна разликова пирамида и комплексно преобразуваяне на Адамар
Автор:Кунчев, Румен Кирилов; Kunchev, Rumen Kirilov; Момчеджиков, МихаилДата:2003Резюме:A new method for image watermarking is offered, based on 3-level 'verse difference pyramid decomposition ()DP) with 2D complex Hadamard :ansform (20-CHT). The method permits the watermarks, inserted in the Tisecutive pyramid layers, to be practically invisible and inerasable, and together ch this ensures high resistance against tampering, ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Обработка на ултразвукови медицински изображения с помощта на модифицирана инверсна разликова пирамида
Автор:Кунчев, Румен Кирилов; Kunchev, Rumen Kirilov; Момчеджиков, Момчил рец.Дата:2003Резюме:In the article was presented the method for processing medical mages, which include compression-and filtration. This is a specifically application of the method for signal processing with inverse difference pyramid (IDP), which 2Ioud to work at the some time with significant compression noises (speckles) in Itrasound images. It is describe ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Методи за обобщение в йерархични разпознаващи системи от структурно – лингвистичен тип
Автор:Гочев, Гочо Вълев; Gochev, Gocho Valev; Момчев, Иван рец.Дата:2003Резюме:The paper considers three level hierarchical recognition system. The system implements structural-linguistic recognition approach. Structural features of different levels are used as elements of terminal dictionary. Phrasal-structural descriptions of the objects in the scene and the whole scene are built on the basis of the structural ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:On some models of sigma - delta modulators
Автор:Cenov, Georgi Cvetanov; Mladenov, Valeri markov; Ценов, Георги Цветанов; Младенов, Валери МарковДата:2004Резюме:Several sigma-delta modulator analytical models are investigated in this paper. The basic model for a. first order modulator is developed by Candy in 1981. This model is extended to higher order and the investigations are consistent with the stability of the modulator. For asynchronous sigma-delta modulator analytical expression for the ...Библиотека: