Крумов, Андрей Христов; Krumov, Andrei Hristov; Ризов, Пламен Миланов; Rizov, Plamen Milanov; Цолов, Ангел Белчев; Tsolov, Angel Belchev; Нотов, Петко Петров рец.
Математическо моделиране на електромашинни агрегати за собствени нужди в електрическите централи
Other Titles:
Mathematical modelling of electro - machinery aggregates for auxiliary in the electric power stations
Date of Issue:
Is Part of:
Годишник на ТУ-София, Том 51, 2000-2001, с. 45-52
0374-342X [issn]
електрически централи – апаратура – моделиране; електрически централи – апаратура – моделиране
In the article is described the setup and the operation of a mathematical model of an electro- machinery aggregate operated by cage induction motor. Mechanisms like these are used in large numbers for the auxiliary of the electric power stations. The model is worked out with the help of the program products Matlab and Simulink, using the Park's equations for induction motor in a synchronously- rotating coordinate system. This model is going to be very useful for the operation staff in the electric power stations for testing and diagnostic of the auxiliary mechanisms.; In the article is described the setup and the operation of a mathematical model of an electro- machinery aggregate operated by cage induction motor. Mechanisms like these are used in large numbers for the auxiliary of the electric power stations. The model is worked out with the help of the program products Matlab and Simulink, using the Park's equations for induction motor in a synchronously- rotating coordinate system. This model is going to be very useful for the operation staff in the electric power stations for testing and diagnostic of the auxiliary mechanisms.
Крумов, Андрей Христов и др. Математическо моделиране на електромашинни агрегати за собствени нужди в електрическите централи / Андрей Крумов, Пламен Ризов, Ангел Цолов; Рец. Петко Нотов. (Електротехника, Електроенергетика). // Годишник на ТУ-София, Том 51, 2000-2001, с. 45-52 : с формули, сх., диагр.; Крумов, Андрей Христов и др. Математическо моделиране на електромашинни агрегати за собствени нужди в електрическите централи / Андрей Крумов, Пламен Ризов, Ангел Цолов; Рец. Петко Нотов. (Електротехника, Електроенергетика). // Годишник на ТУ-София, Том 51, 2000-2001, с. 45-52 : с формули, сх., диагр.