Танев, Никола Костадинов; Божилов, Ганчо Йорданов рец.; Tanev, Nikola Kostadinov; Соколов, Емил Радулов; Sokolov, Emil Radulov
Условия за самовъзбуждане при празен ход на еднофазен безчетков синхронен генератор
Other Titles:
No-load conditions for self - excitation of a single - phase brushless synchronous generator
Date of Issue:
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Годишник на ТУ-София, Том 51, 2000-2001, с. 17-24
0374-342X [issn]
генератори – изпитване; електрически машини – изпитване
The investigated single-phase brushless synchronous generator is of the type with a two-phase non-symmetrical stator winding and salient-pole rotor. The exciting is attained by means of the reverse-rotation field of the armature reaction. The double frequency e.m.f induced in the rotor coils causes rotor current, which is half-wave rectified via diodes. The auxiliary phase B parameters and values of interest, together with the ones of the rotor winding, are referred to the main phase A. The generator equations are obtained and conditions for the self excitation have been determined. An approximate solution taking into account the non-linearity due to saturation is obtained. Using the proposed equations, the capacitance of the phase B capacitor has been calculated, which helps to get the assigned voltage value of the phase A. The capacitor voltage is also defined, together with the values of phase B current and rectified current of the rotor winding. The influence of some design parameters on the self-excitation effect is also analysed.
Танев, Никола Костадинов и др. Условия за самовъзбуждане при празен ход на еднофазен безчетков синхронен генератор / Никола Танев, Емил Соколов; Рец. Ганчо Божилов. (Електротехника, Електроенергетика). // Годишник на ТУ-София, Том 51, 2000-2001, с. 17-24 : с формули, сх.