Title:Migration flows as a factor, affecting food security
Author:Milanov, Iv.Date:2024Abstract:The report explores various aspects of the influence of migration flows on food security. It begins by examining the definition and causes of migration and focuseson the origins and nature of migration flows to EU member states. The report assesses both positive and negative effects of migration on recipient countries, ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:Influence of gender and age on consumer attitudes towards advertising
Author:Spasova, L.Date:2024Abstract:The purpose of this article is to investigate and establish the influence of gender and age on the attitudes of young consumers of advertising. To achieve this goal, an empirical study was conducted with a contingent of 474 young respondents, whose advertising needs were analysed in three Bulgarian universities. The research ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:Validity and reliability of a methodological instrument for measuring verbal-visual cognitive styles in advertising
Author:Spasova, L.Date:2024Abstract:This study has the following objective: to validate, adapt and modify a scale fromKirby, Moore and Schofield –VVQ, based on Richardson’s scale, to be applied in measurements of advertising influence. The statistical methods applied in the study were factor analysis using principal component analysis (PCA) and Varimax orthogonal ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:Professional midwifery education in Bulgaria at the turn of XX century: a historical perspective
Author:Gospodinova, R.; Dimitrova, S.Date:2024Abstract:The goal of this article is torecount the birth and development of midwifery and maternal care education in Bulgaria after the Bulgarian Liberation at the end of XIX and the beginning of the XX century. The researchers set the followingtasks: 1) to present the main reasons for the emergence of professional midwifery education ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:Risk in cyber environment
Author:Aleksovski, J.; Pirovski, N.; Georgieva, I.Date:2024Abstract:Introduction: Cyber environment is anew type of interaction media thatimplies a modification of existing risks and a new type of risks, covered by an instrument for risk evaluation. Materials and methods:Existing riskevaluation instruments, psychology risk questionnaires and cyber risks categories. Results: ...Library: