Title:Методика на обучение по западни езици във BТУЗ с оглед особеностите на специализирания текст
Author:Вапорджиев и др., Веселин Кирилов; Vapordzhiev et al, Veselin KirilovDate:1988Abstract:I. Съществуващо положение. Предпоставки за изграждане на методиката
II. Цели и задачи на ЧЕО
III. Кратка характеристика на основните научни принципи на съвременната методика на преподаване на западни езици.
IV. Място на отделните речеви дейности в обучението и съотношението помежду им
V. Изисквания към учебното съдържание
VI. Учебни ...Library:
Title:Computer- und Kommunikationstechnik. Deutsch für Studenten
Author:Zlateva, Pavlina Ivanova; Златева, Павлина ИвановаDate:2003Abstract:The German language textbook "Computer- und Kommunikationstechnik. Deutsch für Studenten" contains specialized texts whose main topics include the computer and peripherals as well as activities related to their use. Skills in different types of reading comprehension (detailed, global, selective) are supported, depending on the type of text ...Library:
Title:Български език за подготвителна учебна година
Author:Пеев, Ивайло Иванов; Peev, Ivaylo IvanovDate:2019Abstract:The textbook provides the basic knowledge of the Bulgarian language for successful communication and rapid adaptation in the Bulgarian language environment. 100 dialogues, over 1000 words, dozens of everyday situations. Grammar ... it is the basis of the language, and language is dialogue! You will not know how you have mastered it!. How ...Library:
Title:English in mechanical engineering and mechatronics
Author:Aleksieva, Emiliya Mitova; Алексиева, Емилия МитоваDate:2014Abstract:English for Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics is a skills-based course designed specifically for siudents and professlorials in the fields of mechanical engineering and mechatronics who need to improve their skills of using English in thelr professional communication. It provides carefully graded practice and progression in the basic ...Library: