Title:A Global Perspective on Vaccines: Priorities, Challenges and Online Information
Author:Leite, Luciana (Editor); Tagliabue, Aldo (Editor); Rappuoli, Rino (Editor); Yvonne Leroy, Odile (Editor)Date:2020Abstract:Vaccines have been one of the most important medical discoveries of the last three centuries. Thanks to their development, millions of deaths have been avoided. Together with improved hygiene and antibiotics, vaccines have significantly contributed to the prolongation of life expectancy in high-income countries to a current average of 85 ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:10th Anniversary of Biomedicines—Biomarkers in Pain
Author:Eriksson, Mats B. (Editor); Larsson, Anders O. (Editor)Date:2023Abstract:Pain biomarkers are biological indicators or measurable characteristics that can provide information about the presence, severity, or underlying mechanisms of pain. They are valuable for several reasons: Diagnosis and differential diagnosis: Biomarkers can help in the diagnosis of various pain conditions and differentiate between different ...Library: