Title:Професионална кариера на лекарите в общата медицинска практика
Author:Парашкевова-Симеонова, Боряна; Parashkevova-Simeonova, BorianaDate:2014Abstract:Introduction: Primary health care is the only level of the Healthcare System which allows the most effective usage of the limited financial resources for achieving better outcome in health preservation and improvement. Primary health care in Bulgaria is entirely based on the general practitioners work.
Goal: Measurement and analysis of the ...Library:
Title:Оценяване качеството на обучение във висшите медицински училища
Author:Пеева, КатяDate:2012Abstract:The goal of the dissertation is to reveal the factors that determine the quality of medical education and to develop a model for assessing the quality of higher education in medical schools.
Research tasks
1. To examine students’ expectations as participants in the learning process on factors that define the term "quality of the learning ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:Проучване на интра-абдоминалната хипертензия и възможностите за повлияването и при пациенти в интензивно отделение
Author:Арабаджиев, ГеоргиDate:2013Abstract:The aim of this prospective study is to examine the frequency and the severity of intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and the opportunities for nonsurgical management in intensive care unit. To realize this purpose we set the following tasks:
1. To examine the available data concerning IAP for measurement in clinical settings, to create ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:Атмосферно замърсяване и заболяемост на населението в община Стара Загора
Author:Платиканова, Магдалена; Platikanova, MagdalenaDate:2014Abstract:To analyse air pollution and its impact on morbidity amongst the population of Stara Zagora Municipality in the period 2009 - 2013, as well as to create a mathematical model of predicting morbidity levels. The air pollutants of primary importance to the municipality are: sulphur dioxide, dust, and hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen oxides and lead ...Library: