Пеева, Катя
Оценяване качеството на обучение във висшите медицински училища
Other Titles:
Assessing the quality of higher education in medical schools
Date of Issue:
медицинско образование; висше образование; качество
The goal of the dissertation is to reveal the factors that determine the quality of medical education and to develop a model for assessing the quality of higher education in medical schools.
Research tasks
1. To examine students’ expectations as participants in the learning process on factors that define the term "quality of the learning process" and their motivation for learning.
2. To develop specifications and criteria that define quality medical training.
3. To measure the significance of the factors that determine student satisfaction of medical education.
4. To develop a concise model to predict the likelihood of positive and negative assessment of training for operational research.
Materials and methods
A direct individual inquiry with 541 medical students at the beginning, middle, and end of their training was conducted, from October 2010 to November 2011. Response rate from surveyed students was 79.5%.
The study was designed as an observational cross-sectional study for assessing the quality of education on the basis of questionnaires. The evaluation of individual elements of the training process was done using the five point Likert scale. Descriptive statistics, single and multiple logistic regression analysis with risk assessment (cross-sectional odds ratio), tests for normality of distribution, Fischer exact test to examine the significance of the association, and the non-parametric independent sample test of Man Witney were used. Raw data were entered and processed in IBM SPSS Statistics 19.
The dissertation contains a theoretical study of student opinion surveys of medical education and an in-depth empirical study of a complex analysis of the attitudes of medical students towards the quality of education.
Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to create three predictive models and derive relationships between factors of the quality of teaching and their dependents – assessment of the quality of education, average grade and lectures attendance. Quantitative estimates of significant relationships were also obtained. According to the students’ assessment of the education, factor characteristics were defined that have predictive value for future evaluation and practical significance for determining the students’ definition and expectations of quality education.The dissertation has theoretical, methodological, and applied contributions to enriching the knowledge of the quality of medical students’ academic training and revealing what determines their learning satisfaction. An original questionnaire to assess student opinion was developed and tested. The practice for assessing the quality of education in terms of content and technology tools was enriched. The dissertation has a scientific and management potential, opening roads to link research in this area and the management of higher medical schools, as well as to generate reasonable rules to improve the quality of education. The practice of fundamental and operational research on medical education through the assessment of its quality was enriched.