Заглавие:Проучване на химичния състав, технологичните и органолептичните качества на месо от некастрирани и кастрирани мъжки прасета
Автор:Пенчев, Иван; Penchev, IvanДата:2019Резюме:The objective of this dissertation thesis was to study the chemical composition, technological traits and incidence of boar taint of meat from entire male and castrated pigs.
The study was carrier our in a slaughterhouse in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. Total of 387 pigs (307 entire male and 80 castrated) were investigated. The pigs were reared ...Библиотека:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Заглавие:Екологично проучване на бентосни мекотели в защитена зона „Поморийско езеро“
Автор:Калчева, Силвия; Kalcheva, SilviaДата:2019Резюме:The dissertation focuses on the condition of the Malaccofauna in Pomorie Lake and its water composition, which is essential for the lake's sustainable management and preservation for future generations. The survey was conducted in the period 2015-2016. 12 taxa were established, 5 of them were reported for the first time in Pomorie Lake. ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Ефект на системите на торене върху продуктивността на двуполно сеитбообръщение твърда пшеница – памук
Автор:Плешкуца, Любов; Plescuta, LyubovДата:2019Резюме:Effect of fertilization with increasing levels N ( 0; 80; 120; 160 kg.ha-1 and P (0; 80; 120 kg.ha-1) on productivity of durum wheat and cotton in rotation was investigated. The highest durum wheat grain yield was obtained at combined fertilization N120P120 - 3.94 t.ha-1***. Alone N 120 kg.ha-1 fertilization led to obtaining of 3.75 t.ha-1 ...Библиотека: