Title:Възможности за добив на електрическа енергия с фотоволтаичен модул при реални условия за България
Author:Витанов, Петко Костадинов; Тютюнджиев, Николай Христов; Пенева, Мила Димитрова; Vitanov, Petko Kostadinov; Tyutyundzhiev, Nikolay Hristov; Peneva, Mila DimitrovaDate:1995Abstract:This paper analyses the performance of a 36 W photovoltaic module, created on the basis of 36 connected in series 4" monocrystalline silicon solar cells. The dependence of generated energy upon solar radiation and the position of the module is represented and the module thermal behavior as well. The amount of electrical energy, produced for ...Library:
Title:Система за експериментален аудиокардиоанализ
Author:Гълъбов, Васил Тотев; Galabov, Vasi TotevDate:1995Abstract:The developed system is based on the conventional methods of auscultation and phonocardiographia using the facilities of the computer technique. The final aim of the project is the building of a screening analysator with simplified manipulation. In the paper are discussed the development of the experimental set-up, the methods applied for ...Library:
Title:Чувствителен към влага микроелектронен сензор
Author:Ръсовска, Милка Маркова; Хлебаров, Здравко Петков; Радева, Мила Радославова; Hlebarov, Zdravko Petkov; Radeva, Mila Radoslavova; Rasovska, Milka MarkovaDate:1995Abstract:There are presented the construction and technical futures of a microelectronic humidity sensor, based on the multyplayered structure Al-(Zn-Cu) O-(In-Sn) O-AL The layers was qualified by X-ray analysis and so the technology was adjusted Some of the parameters of the samples was studied — the DC resistance Rdc and the AC resistance Rac was ...Library:
Title:Двутактна обемна СЗП с повишена зарядна способност
Author:Хинков, Валентин Цачев; Атанасов, Александър Стефанов; Hinkov, Valentin Tsachev; Atanasov, Alexandar StefanovDate:1995Abstract:A new two phase BCCD (bulk CCD/ charge coupled devices with increased - charge handling capability has been proposed in the work on the basis of comparative analysis of two well known BCCD. Treatment of this problem Is actual, since charge handling capability of BCCD is very small, that's why its increasing leads to greater output signal, ...Library:
Title:RLC филтър на променливо напрежение (ШИМ)
Author:Табаков, Стефан Евтимов; Горанов, Петър; Салах, Айед БенDate:1995Abstract:This paper treats the analysis of the RCL - Filter in the output of a PWM inverter under low and high Frequency of modulation. The Correcting elements used in the Filter branch improves the quality of the output signal for constant and variable load.Library:
Title:Multiplier design migration from FPGA to standard cell technology
Author:Vasileva, Tanichka Krumova; Василева, Таничка Крумова; Tchumatchenko, Vasiliy Platonovich; Чумаченко, Платонович ВасилийDate:1995Abstract:Standard Cell implementation of an 0(n) parallel multiplier with bit-sequential input and output, using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) design as a prototype is considered. Problems facing in design migration from FPGA to standard cells design approach are discussed. Applying logic circuit optimization as a manner to improve design ...Library:
Title:Интегриране на измерването и автоматизираното проектиране в електрониката
Author:Стоянов, Иван Илиев; Шойкова, Елена Дикова; Христов, Марин Христов; Stoyanov, Ivan Iliev; Shoikova, Elena Dikova; Hristov, Marin HristovDate:1995Abstract:The paper considers the major related to the actual implementation cf interconnections between CAD and automated measurements for electronic components, circuits and devices. Structures are proposed for cornputer integrated environments where the methodology of testing already implemented prototypes is coherent with the methodology of their ...Library:
Title:Числено модиелиране на двуфазни неизометрични турбулентни струи. Интегрален метод на изследване
Author:Антонов, Иван Славейков; Лиен, Х. Д.; Нам, Н. Т.; Antonov, Ivan Slaveykov; Lien, H. D.; Nam, N. T.Date:1995Abstract:On the basis of integral method has been imitated distribution Two phase Unisothermal turbulent jet. Using "two fluid" scheme of the stream, which means velocity environments of two phases, Boundary layer of Velocity, Concentration of particle and Temperature are Memo. The solution is done with Numerical calculation.Library:
Title:Моделиране движението на полидисперсни смеси
Author:Антонов, Иван Славейков; Antonov, Ivan SlaveykovDate:1995Abstract:Using Mathematical Model for the Motion of Multy-phase Mixture and in case of Two-phase Flow, carrying solid fraction with different dimension. For each phase has been • supposed as separated Fluid environment with their of initial Concentration and Diametre of particles. Using Kg - Kp - E model and Method of Direkt Numerical Integral ...Library:
Title:On the structure of a heated three - dimensional jet
Author:Lozanova, Milena; Лозанова, МиленаDate:1995Abstract:Three-dimensional jets are widely used in verious technological processes. In this paper the flow field of heated jet with aspect ratio A= a/b = 3 is investigated at several initial conditions. The various characteristics of the velocity and the temperature fields are obtained. The velocity and thermal half-widths in the two principal ...Library:
Title:Статистически анализ на климатични данни и обобщени температурни криви за гр. Пловдив
Author:Банов, Ивайло Петков; Banov, Ivailo PetkovDate:1995Abstract:The paper presents the results of the statistical analysis of the climatic conditions for 30-year period of time for the town of Plovdiv. There is found the generalized temperature curve for a period of a sudden spell of cold weather in the report. In tabular form are given the initial temperature - t..., the amplitude of variation of the ...Library:
Title:Система с непрекъснато действие за аварийно подхранване на парогенераторите за реактора тип ВВЕР
Author:Глухов, Георги Анастасов; Попов, Емилиян Любомиров; Gluhov, Georgi Anastasov; Popov, Emiliyan LyubomirovDate:1995Abstract:A possible steam injector application for improving of emergency feedwater supply Is discussed in the article. Two cases of injector implementation in the K-220-44 turbine flow diagram are analyzed. An estimation is made for the influence of injector steam consumption on the thermal performance of the turbine facility as a whole.Library:
Title:Относно дебелината на топлинната изолация при канално полагане на топлопреносни мрежи
Author:Геновски, Иван Кирилов; Genovski, Ivan Kirilov; Шушулов, Константин Найденов; Shushulov, Konstantin NaydenovDate:1995Abstract:It is necessary to change thicknesses of insulations due to the dynamic of the main components' prizes, influenced them. This investigation concerning new evaluation of thicknesses of insulation of the district heating mains (channel laid) according to the new conditions of market economy.Library:
Title:Numerical prediction of comfort and ventilation efficiency in ventilated rooms
Author:Denev, Yordan A.; Денев, Йордан А.; Stankov, Petar; Станков, ПетърDate:1995Abstract:The paper presents investigation of comfort and ventilation efficiency in a typically chemical laboratory room with two fume cupboards. The investigation is based on the detailed results obtained from the numerical solution of a system of seven partial differential equations on a numerical grid of 245000 points. The assessment of comfort ...Library:
Title:Моделиране на товаровия график на битови електропотребители
Author:Николов, Димитър Александров; Nikolov, Dimitar AlexandrovDate:1995Abstract:The rational design of the electrical supplying systems in the populated areas requires exact normative values of the calculated loads. The experimental determination of these loads is quite difficult, because of the great volume of labour consuming measurements. In order to make easier these measurements it was suggested a method for ...Library:
Title:Изследване на нетрадиционни режими на пускорегулираща апаратура за луминесцентни лампи
Author:Джагаров, Николай; Dzhagarov, Nikolay; Пенчев, Пенчо; Penchev, PenchoDate:1995Abstract:Широко се внедрява високочестотна пуско-регулираща апаратура (ПРА) за луминисцентни лампи, осигуряваща по-добри качествени показатели като увеличено светлоотдаване, надеждна работа и други технико-икономически показатели. С повишаване на честотата процесите в лампите и ПРА се изменят значително, като особено значение придобиват нетрадиционните ...Library:
Title:Детерминирани показатели за надежност при топлоснабдителни системи
Author:Шушулов, Константин Найденов; Геновски, Иван Кирилов; Shushulov, Konstantin Naydenov; Genovski, Ivan KirilovDate:1995Abstract:District heating systems are characterised with certain rate of reliability. It should, be possible to influence this reliability by means of technical and economical impacts. To estimate the technical conditions of the consumers, there are strong characteristics which are not influenced from the probable character of the reliable factor. ...Library:
Title:Формализация на управляваща повърхнина от размити управляващи правила
Author:Станчев, Валентин Георгиев; Stanchev, Valentin GeorgievDate:1995Abstract:The control surface represents a mode for presentation of fuzzy control algorithm. The advantage taken of using that mode consists of the following: the operations "fitzzyfication", "control strategy" and "defitzzyfication" are combined and not executed separately, i.e. for each observation of input data the result of surface interpolation ...Library:
Title:Алгоритмизация на управлението чрез апарата на размитите множества
Author:Станчев, Валентин Георгиев; Григоров, Александър Данчев; Stanchev, Valentin Georgiev; Grigorov, Alexandar DanchevDate:1995Abstract:In this paper, a basic approaches and stages in building of a fizzy control system by means of algorithmization of control signals using fizz)) see, are considered. The described stages during the fuzzy control algorithm synthesis are quantitatively determined for industrial boiler KM-12, along the channel "fuel pressure".Library: