Title:Control techniques in DSP - based step motor drives
Author:Dzhiev, Stancho Nikolov; Джиев, Станчо Николов; Манчев, Станко; Manchev, StankoDate:1999Abstract:Control methods for DSP-based step motor drives are investigated and implemented. The control system utilizes a digital signal processor. The methods are used for on-line identification and adaptation for varying motor parameters and conditions. Results are given for different sizes of hybrid step motors. It has been proved that the performance ...Library:
Title:Изследване на двулентов кръстат пружинен шарнир с приложение в жироскопични уреди за измерване на сила и маса
Author:Цонев, Никола Иванов; Tsonev, Nikola IvanovDate:1995Abstract:The useful simple plant models can hardly reflect the complex character of the technological processes, The existing uncertainty is considered by both the robust and the fuzzy approaches and each of them achieves system robustness via simple procedure for the design of easy for completion control algorithms. The robust approach embeds the ...Library:
Title:Ефективност на системите за управление при шум в регулиращите органи
Author:Николов, Емил Костов; Nikolov, Emil KostovDate:1999Abstract:A method for a quantitative estimation and a comparative analysis according to summarized indexes of the performance and the effectiveness of the control systems under noise conditions in the control valves are proposed. Numerical samplers are solved. The results of parallel simulations are shown.Library:
Title:Невронно мрежеви модел на вокалния тракт за целите на психо-физиологичната диагностика на индивида
Author:Гълъбов, Васил Тотев; Galabov, Vasil TotoevDate:1999Abstract:The operational readiness of the man-machine system depends mostly on the passing psycho-physiological condition of the operator, on his interaction with other people and machines. In this paper is proposed a method for non-invasive in situ diagnosis of the operator via his speech. For this aim is designed a model of the vocal tract with ...Library:
Title:Анализ на информационната структура на управленски решения
Author:Сапунджиев, Георги Нешев; Sapundzhiev, Georgi NeshevDate:1999Abstract:The current article deals with quality analysis and management decisions approach, which are to be taken within difficult systems, cousidering the initial indefinity, the quantity of the available information and the preset time for choosing optimal alternative.Library:
Title:Синхронизирано управление на двудвигателни електромеханични системи
Author:Михов, Михо Рачев; Mihov, Miho RachevDate:1999Abstract:This paper presents a control method for dual-motor electromechanical systems, by which synchronisation of some principal controllable variables is required. An appropriate control algorithm is offered and some results of computer simulation of a DC dual-motor system with speed synchronisation are presented.Library:
Title:Рационално проектиране на преобразуватели на променлив в постоянен ток
Author:Личев, Роман; Lichev, RomanDate:1999Abstract:Two solutions of ac-dc converters with bi-directional energy conversion for middle and high powers are analysed. Directions for their rational design are given. The benefit of implementing of converters by structure "uncontrollable rectifier- chopper" is determined quantitatively.Library:
Title:Подчинено регулиране на електромехнични системи с еластичност
Author:Йонков, Тодор Стефанов; Yonkov, Todor StefanovDate:1999Abstract:In the article an approach for a synthesis of regulators for multimass elastic electromechanical systems, that are built up on the basis of the contemporary theory for control has been described. The basis of that approach is the decomposition of the multimass system to different infrasystems that characterize all the inner conditions which ...Library:
Title:Автоматично управление на технологичен агрегат за центробежно вакуумно леене на титан и титанови сплави
Author:Бакърджиев, Димитър Христов; Банников, Пьотр Иванович; Бакърджиев, Христо Димитров; Цанков, Дочо Цанков; Bakardzhiev, Hristo Dimitrov; Bakardzhiev, Dimitar Hristov; Tsankov, Docho Tsankov; Банников, Пьотр Иванович; Bannikov, Pyotr IvanovichDate:1999Abstract:This paper is a research on centrifugal vacuum casting mode of titanium products on orthopaedical purpose. On the basis of analytical dependence when technological and constructional special features are given, are constructed curves which guarantee best smoothness and strength of products. On the basis of these dependencies are defined ...Library:
Title:Система за съгласувано движение на двудвигателни ходови механизми
Author:Йорданов, Светослав; Yordanov, Svetoslav; Milenkov, Svetoslav Yordanov; Райнов, Румен Иванов; Raynov, Rumen IvanovDate:1999Abstract:A system for double-motor crane horizontal movement mechanisms is justified and proposed. It ensures synchronised motion of the two ends of the crane bridge at low speeds.Library:
Title:Регулируемо асинхронно електрозадвижване за двудвигателни кранови ходови механизми
Author:Йорданов, Светослав; Yordanov, Svetoslav; Райнов, Румен Иванов; Миленков, Светослав Йорданов; Milenkov, Svetoslav YordanovDate:1999Abstract:An adjustable asynchronous drive for crane double-motor horizontal movement mechanisms is proposed. It consists of two galvanic separated thyristor controllers of rotor current and a common speed controller with frequency feedback.Library:
Title:Modelling, optimisation and control of fed-batch fermentation process for amino acid production
Author:Georgiev, Tsanko Pertrov; Георгиев, Цанко ПетровDate:1999Abstract:This article deals with an approach to modelling, optimisation and control of class biotechnological processes. Fed-batch fermentation process for L-lysine production is discussed in the article. Based on generalised stoichiometric equations a state space and input-output models of discussed process are presented. The identification problem ...Library:
Title:Двусвързано управление на непрекъснат биотехнологичен процес
Author:Стоянов, Стоян Неделчев; Stoyanov, Stoyan NedelchevDate:1999Abstract:The paper deals with multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) control of continuous biotechnological procesess. For the design purposes the nonlinear model of the process is transformed into linear one with interval parameters. Robust state space compensator is designed by the intenal model principle. Simulation studies with the nonlinear model were performed.Library:
Title:Led - based simple low - cost differential fluorimeter
Author:Kostov, Yordan Valchev; Костов, Йорданов Вълчев; Rao, GovindDate:1999Abstract:A device for measurement of fluorescence intensity in solutions is presented. It uses semiconductor emitters and receivers of light. That allowed the development of extremely economical construction. A specific light modulation rejects the ambient light and enhances the sensitivity. The device could be used in biotechnological measurements.Library:
Title:Симулационен анализ на двуензимни биосензори за глюкоза
Author:Нейков, Александър Нейков; Neykov, Alexander Neykov; Костов, Йордан Вълчев; Kostov, Yordan ValchevDate:1999Abstract:A mathematical model of two-enzyme biosensor system with non-linear Michaelis -Menten kinetics for measurement glucose concentration is developed. A mathematical description with differential parabolic equations is worked out. Different biosensor systems are analyzed by digital simulation in vector-matrix form. Computer programms ASCI and ...Library:
Title:Йон-селективен електрод за pH с Pd/PdO
Author:Нейков, Александър НейковDate:1999Abstract:An ion-selective pH-electrode with Pd/PdO is developed and research rezults are presented in this paper. The theory of pH-electrode with Pd/Pd0 is described briefly. The sensor membrane preparation technology by thermal oxidation method is given. The ion-selective pH-electrode is investigated experimentaly. The transfer function and ...Library:
Title:Метод за определяне на разхода на енергия при възникване и прекратяване на режими на боксуване
Author:Българанов, Любомир Борисов; Balgaranov, Lyubomir Borisov; Минков, Пеню рец.Date:2001Abstract:In this paper is offered a method determining the expenses of electrical power of the motor bound with the skid axle. At often repeted and continuous skidsregimes this expenses increase considerably and bring to decrease of the efficiency of the electrical rolling stock.Library:
Title:Анализ на противоплъзгащите свойства на схеми за резисторно спиране
Author:Българанов, Любомир Борисов; Минков, Пеню рец.; Balgaranov, Lyubomir BorisovDate:2001Abstract:In this paper is analized the anti-sliding quality of the schems for resistor braking. They are used in the electrical rolling stock. Analytical expression is given for calculation the dynamic characteristic of the motor -bond with sliding axle. A dependence for calculation of the hardness of the dynamic, braking characteristic also given.Library:
Title:Automatic constraint propagation in the interval Microsoft Excel solver
Author:Nenov, Ivo P.; Ненов, Иво П.; Владов, Симеон Стоянов рец.Date:2003Abstract:This paper presents a novel technique for implementing constraint propagation over the natural interval extension of a given function, in the context of an interval Branch and Bound algorithm for constrained global Optimization and solution of systems of nonlinear equations. In a manner analogous to the reverse mode of automatic differentiation, ...Library: