Dzhiev, Stancho Nikolov; Джиев, Станчо Николов; Манчев, Станко; Manchev, Stanko
Control techniques in DSP - based step motor drives
Other Titles:
Методи за управление в системи за стъпково електрозадвижване базирани на цифрови сигнални процеси
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Годишник на ТУ-София, Том 50, 1999, № 1. Автоматика и информатика : Юбилейна научна сесия „25 години Факултет „Автоматика“ ТУ–София 07-08.06.1999 София, с. 123-129
0374-342X [issn]
електрозадвижване – режим на работа – автоматизация
Control methods for DSP-based step motor drives are investigated and implemented. The control system utilizes a digital signal processor. The methods are used for on-line identification and adaptation for varying motor parameters and conditions. Results are given for different sizes of hybrid step motors. It has been proved that the performance of a DSP-based architecture allows an intelligent approach to reduce the complete system delay and to implement real-time adaptive control techniques.
1. Introduction Today's requirements of electrical drive systems increase due to requests for better performance, higher integration, simplified programming and lower costs. Several approaches exist to drive system optimization. One is to stay with the standard control concepts and sensors and try to reduce only the device cost. Another one is to reduce the sensor elements using sensorless control techniques, which requires normally more sophisticated computations. Combining both ways leads to a system cost-optimized solution.
Dzhiev, Stancho Nikolov et al. Control techniques in DSP - based step motor drives / Stantcho Djiev, Stanko Manchev. (Industrial automation). // Годишник на ТУ-София, Том 50, 1999, № 1. Автоматика и информатика : Юбилейна научна сесия „25 години Факултет „Автоматика“ ТУ–София 07-08.06.1999 София, с. 123-129 : със сх., диагр.