Заглавие:An approach for speeding up the transmission of medical diagnostic signals and data in the telemedical systems
Автор:Hristov, Valentin P.; Dimitrov, Dimitar; Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев (рец.)Дата:2004Резюме:Recently medical diagnostic signals transmission and data in the telemedical systems is becoming more actual and important. These systems very often use Asynchronous Transfer Mode(ATM) as communication technology in order to ensure fast exchange of medical diagnostic signals and data in the conditions of teleconferencing and audio-visual ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Оптимален подход при обучението на студентите да програмират
Автор:Жечев, Димитър Павлов; Малешков, Стоян (рец.); Zhechev, Dimirat PavlovДата:2004Резюме:The problems of basic training in computer science for students in technical programs are considered Studying a programming language is on the curriculum of all engineering programs. The limited number of lecturing hours and laboratory exercises insists on exercises and assignments optimization. The problems become more critical when studying ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Спектрален анализ на неравномерно дискретизиран сигнал
Автор:Милетиев, Росен Георгиев; Арнаудов, Румен Иванов; Бекярски, Александър Богданов (рец.); Miletiev, Rosen Georgiev; Arnaudov, Rumen IvanovДата:2004Резюме:The method for spectral analysis of nonuniformly sampled data for radar applications is presented The fast implementation of the spectrum analysis is based on the fast Fourier transform (FFT) of the nonuniformly sampled data using two consequently changed PRFs (pulse repetition frequencies). The analysis of the nommiformly sampling effects ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Изследване и проектиране на избирателни LC – усилватели с операционни усилватели
Автор:Пандиев, Ивайло МилановДата:2004Резюме:Many publications [5], [6], [7] • etc, describe circuits with Current Feedback Amplifiers (CFA). So far, none of them describe the application of these amplifiers for selective LC-amplifiers. This is due to the difficulty to approach the problem in the theoretical sense in a way that delivers valuable equations for the practice. The present ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Апроксимации на фрактални оператори с непрекъснати и дискретни рационални функции в системите за управление
Автор:Радева, Надежда Радомирова; Сапунджиев, Георги Нешев (рец.); Radeva, Nadezhda RadomirovaДата:2004Резюме:This paper has purpose to systematizes the main aapproximation methods for rational approximations for irrational function - operators of fractional integration and differential in fractional analyse and theirs application like algorithms system of control. This work is compilation of book and journals articles of fractional analyse and ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Алгоритми за сигнално – процесорно основано автоматично индустриално тестване на аналогов филтър
Автор:Арнаудов, Румен Иванов; Христов, Марин Христов; Алдимиров, Иво Г.; Гаджева, Елисавета Димитрова (рец.); Arnaudov, Rumen Ivanov; Hristov, Marin Hristov; Aldimirov, Ivo G.Дата:2004Резюме:In this paper are presented the algorithms of an improved method for DSP based automatic industrial test of an analog filter, as a building part of a mixed-signal integrated circuit. The mathematical equations and the algorithm for creation of a test multitone are given, helping the one-pass execution of the complete test. It is given the ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Метод за сигнално-процесорно основано автоматично индустриално тестване на аналогов филтър
Автор:Арнаудов, Румен Иванов; Христов, Марин Христов; Алдимиров, Иво Г.; Гаджева, Елисавета Димитрова (рец.); Arnaudov, Rumen Ivanov; Hristov, Marin Hristov; Aldimirov, Ivo G.Дата:2004Резюме:In this paper are given the major points of the DSP based automatic industrial test of an analog filter, as a building part of a mixed-signal integrated circuit. The currently used methods and their advantages and disadvantages are subject of analyses. It is proposed a combined method solving the problems that have impact on the test time ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Gain– and offset – compensated switched-capacitor integrator based on the Simpson’s integration method
Автор:Radev, Nikolay Asenov; Ivanov, Kancho; Станчев, Калин (рец.); Радев, Николай Асенов; Иванов, Кънчо ПанайотовДата:2004Резюме:A gain- and offset- compensated switched-capacitor integrator based on the Simpson's integration method is presented Analytical expressions for the gain, phase and offset voltage errors are derived and compared with the corresponding errors of the earlier one uncompensated integrator. The effectiveness of the proposed integrator is demonstrated ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Уред за измерване на времето на закъснение на неелектрически детонатори и скоростта на разпространение на детонационната вълна във вълновод
Автор:Станчев, Георги Стефанов; Милетиев, Росен Георгиев; Арнаудов, Румен Иванов; Стефанов, Стефан (рец.); Stanchev, Georgi Stefanov; Miletiev, Rosen Georgiev; Arnaudov, Rumen IvanovДата:2004Резюме:Delay time of detonators and propagation velocity of detonation wave in a waveguide are important for security at the time of explosions. A device for measuring the time between the two sensors' operation is developed. The main measurement problem is related to the radio frequency interference due to the explosion plasma that determines the ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Методи за измерване на времето на закъснение на неелектрически детонатори и скоростта на разпространение на детонационната вълна във вълновод
Автор:Станчев, Георги Стефанов; Дочев, Иво; Арнаудов, Румен; Stanchev, Georgi Stefanov; Dochev, Ivo; Arnaudov, Rumen; Стефанов, Стефан (рец.)Дата:2004Резюме:Delay time of the non-electrical detonators and propagation velocity of detonation wave in a waveguide are important parameters for quality of explosions and personnel safety. This requires their monitoring. The methods for measuring these parameters are presented in this paper. Schemes and experimental set-ups are developed as well. The ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Компютърно определяне поведението на размити крайни автомати
Автор:Пеева, Кети Георгиева; Peeva, Ketty; Бижев, Георги (рец.)Дата:2004Резюме:In this paper we describe an engineering application of he software [1], developed by Kyose.v and Peeva for fuzzy relational calculus in MATLAB environment. The subject is fuzzy finite machines. We implement software for direct to compute behavior and software for inverse problem resolution to compute behavior matrix of fuzzy finite machine. ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Изследване на устойчивост на линейна интервална параметрична система за управление на дисково запаметяващо устройство
Автор:Филипова-Петракиева, Симона Кирилова; (Petrakieva, Simona); Владов, Симеон (рец.)Дата:2004Резюме:The paper addresses the stability analysis of linear hard disk drive system under interval parameter uncertainties. The problem is equivalent of estimating the eigenvalues of matrices, which elements are nonlinear functions of independent interval parameters. It illustrates the practical applicability of the three methods to determine the ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Алгоритъм за определяне на закъсненията в електрически вериги с логически схеми
Автор:Филипова, Красимира; Филипова-Петракева, Симона; Filipova, Krasimira; Filipova-Petrakieva, SimonaДата:2007Резюме:Dynamical analysis of electrical circuits, based on the logical schemes, takes into consideration the delays of the output signals with respect to the input signals of the each logic schemes in the electrical circuit considered. An algorithm for synchronization the signals in the analyzed electrical circuit, takes into account the delays ...Библиотека: