Title:Адаптивна компенсация на смущения по активен товар при работа на хидроагрегат в локална мрежа
Author:Пулева, Теофана Тодорова; Puleva, Teofana TododrovaDate:2004Abstract:In this paper an adaptive load disturbance rejection algorithm in hydro generator local network operation is described The active load variation is considered in the case of permanent disturbance, as well as ramp disturbance. The method is based on augmented estimator with the disturbance equation and its compensation in the control law. ...Library:
Title:Моделиране на процесите в абонатна станция за топлоснабдяване. Синтез на алгоритми за управление
Author:Райчева, Евелина Райчева; Хараланова, Елена Александрова; Raycheva, Evelina Raycheva; Haralanova, Elena AlexandrovaDate:2004Abstract:The modernization of the district heating system in Bulgaria necessitates the study of processes of heat transfer in district heating substations in order to design contemporary control systems for these processes. In this paper reviewed are models, describing these processes and different algorithms for their automatic control. Presented ...Library:
Title:Интервални вероятности и вземане на решение при риск
Author:Гатев, Гео Иванов; Gatev, Geo IvanovDate:2004Abstract:The concept of Interval Probabilities is introduced. An Interval Expected-Value Criterion for Decision-Making Under Risk is proposed for the cases when the probabilities of the states of the nature and the outcomes of decisions are uncertain, but the intervals within ,which the probabilities and outcomes are expected to fall are known. The ...Library:
Title:Мярка за нелинейност в системите за управление
Author:Перев, Камен Лазаров; Perev, Kamen LazarovDate:2004Abstract:This paper considers the notion of nonlinearity measure in control systems. The nonlinearity measure determines the distance between a given nonlinear system and its local linearization for particular set of input signals. One of the most important applications of the noniinearity measure is in determining the linearizing effect of feedback ...Library:
Title:Регионални модели за анализ на сеизмични огнища
Author:Ищев, Александър Каменов; Ищев, Камен Георгиев; Ishtev, Alexandar Kamenov; Ishtev, Kamen GeorgievDate:2004Abstract:Examined dynamic system consist of number of seismic stations, soil structures and a part of lithosphere under them. A considerable difference between the "nominal" model and the real del, received during small earthquake in a distance from these sites, indicates changes in the iracteristies of examined dynamic system. Analysis of the change ...Library:
Title:Мултимоделен апериодичен регулатор в САУ [Системитите за автоматизирано управление] с променлива тактова честота
Author:Гарипов, Емил Михайлов; Стоилков, Теодор Митков; Garipov, Emil Mihaylov; Stoilkov, Teodor MitkovDate:2004Abstract:An original scheme of Multimodel Deadbeat Controller (MMDC) is submitted in the , paper. Thus the linear behaviour of the control system signals is protected even in case of constraints over the plant input. Program functions in MATLAB and block-diagrams in SIMULINK are built to realize a multirate frequency hybrid control system with MMDC.Library:
Title:Проектиране и реализиране на универсален цифров ПИД [Потенциално интегрално диференциален] регулатор с обобощена дискретизация
Author:Гарипов, Емил Михайлов; Томов, Лъчезар Пл.; Garipov, Emil Mihaylov; Tomov, Lachezar Pl.Date:2004Abstract:All-purpose difference equations of digital PID controllers are worked out in the paper. The conditions of their stability functioning are taken into consideration depending on the changes at the analog controller coefficients and the used discrete-time interval. Critical analysis is made by test examples on the behaviour of simulation ...Library:
Title:Устойчивост на затворени линейни системи за управление с интервални данни
Author:Колев, Любомир Варадинов; Филипова-Петракиева, Симона Кирилова; Kolev, Lyubomir Varadinov; Filipova-Petrakieva, Sinoma KirilovaDate:2004Abstract:In this paper the problem of stability analysis of linear closed-looped systems under interval uncertainties is considered. The problem is reduced to the problem of determining outer bounds on the ranges of the eigenvalues of interval matrices with dependent coefficients with respect to the independent elements of all other interval matrices ...Library:
Title:Синтез на слабо нелинейни автоколебателни системи
Author:Савов, Весел Николаев; Георгиев, Живко Димитров; Тодоров, Тодор Георгиев; Savov, Vesel Nikolaev; Georgiev, Zgivko Dimitrov; Todorov, Todor GeorgievDate:2004Abstract:A method for the synthesis of weakly nonlinear oscillators systems by using qualitative theory of differential equations analysis is proposed in this article. The self- sustained oscillations in such systems are regarded as limit cycles. The synthesis of weakly nonlinear oscillators systems possessing limit cycles with preliminarily assigned ...Library:
Title:Сравнителен анализ на някои алгоритми за синтез на линейни стохастични адаптивни системи за управление
Author:Маджаров, Никола Енчев; Славов, Цоньо Николаев; Madzharov, Nikola Enchev; Slavov, Tsonyo NikolaevDate:2004Abstract:A comparative analysis of some algorithms for design of linear stochastic systems with indirect adaptation is described in this paper. The comparing systems realized on basis of some estimation algorithms — recursive least-square algorithm, recursive least-square algorithm with multiple Kalman filter and recursive lest-square algorithm with ...Library:
Title:Нелинеен математичен модел на електромеханичните преходни процеси в еднофазен колекторен двигател с отчитане на загубите в стоманата : II Част – променлив ток
Author:Божилов, Ганчо Йорданов; Рац, Емил Р.; Михов, Михо П.; Иванов, Адриан П.; Ризов, Пламен Малинов (рец.); Bozhilov, Gancho Yordanov; Rats, Emil R.; Mihov, Miho P.; Ivanov, Adrian P.Date:2004Abstract:The article presents simulation and experimental examination of a single-phase commutator motor considering non-linearity of the magnetic chain and core losses with a mathematical model, created with MATLAB-SIMULTNK. In the material it is also presented an examination of some typical regimes as start, stop and power reverse: constant voltage, ...Library:
Title:Изходен сигнал на електромагнитен преобразувател с перпендикулярни намотки при наличие на относително движение
Author:Гунински, Стефчо Георгиев; Даскалов, Живко Асенов (рец.); Guninski, Stefcho GeorgievDate:2004Abstract:In this paper is successfully determined the output signal of transformer electromagnetic transducer. The axis of the convener windings are perpendicular. The controlled object is ferromagnetic, plain and single layer. It was accepted that there is relative movement with constant velocity. Deferent location of the transmitting winding, ...Library:
Title:Solution of a problem for tolerance analysis of electrical circuits with a probalistic statement
Author:Kolev, Lyubomir Varadinov; Nenov, Ivo P.; Владов, Симеон Стоянов (рец.)Date:2004Abstract:Solution of a problem for tolerance analysis of electrical circuits with a probabilistic statement is presented. The problem parameters vary independently according to a normal distribution law, while the output is a scalar value. The original tolerance problem leads to two equivalent global optimization problems with constraints. Every ...Library:
Title:Машинна станция за накатаване на текстилен кабел
Author:Кавалджиев, Станчо Йорданов; Янков, Александър (рец.); Kavaldzhiev, Stancho YordanovDate:2004Abstract:The paper concerns the substantiation of using a particular functional scheme of machine station for rolling-up of textile fiber cable of synthetic yarn. The functional diagram of the station is subject to a specific manner of arrangement of the cable, which allows subsequent packing in bales, transportation, and conservation of the yarn, ...Library:
Title:Методика и алгоритъм за определяне неуспоредността на челни повърхнини на зъбни колела
Author:Кавалджиев, Станчо Йорданов; Янков, Александър (рец.); Kavaldzhiev, Stancho YordanovDate:2004Abstract:A method is substantiated in the paper, for simplified measurement of non-parallelism of face surfaces of gear-wheels. The application of the method is especially effective by the automatic manufacture control ,required in the production of gear-wheels made of sintered metal powders.Library:
Title:Шумоустойчивост на асинхронни системи с директно разширение на спектъра с троични последователности
Author:Илиев, Илия Георгиев; Лишков, Славчо Димитров; Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев (рец.); Iliev, Iliya Georgiev; Lishkov, Slavcho DimitrovDate:2004Abstract:The paper proposes utilizing ternary pseudorandom sequences with perfect correlation properties in asynchronous direct spread spectrum systems. Closed form formulas are derived for the error probability in a function of the number of active users and the SNR in a channel with an additive white Gaussian noise (AWON). The results show, that ...Library:
Title:Някои аспекти на синтеза на звукови полета
Author:Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев; Дамянов, Дамян; Лишков, Славчо Димитров (рец.); Momchedzhikov, Mihail Blagoev; Damyanov, DamyanDate:2004Abstract:The Wave Field Synthesis (WES) concepts have steadily gained popularity over the past decade. It is based on physical sound field rendering within a certain listening area. The pure audio signal is combined with informations about the room and the source's position to enable the accurate reproduction of the source within its acoustical ...Library:
Title:Сравнителен анализ на някои разпределения на звукови сигнали от гледна точка на звуковата картина в дифузно помещение
Author:Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев; Дамянов, Дамян; Лишков, Славчо Димитров (рец.); Momchedzhikov, Mihail Blagoev; Damyanov, DamyanDate:2004Abstract:This paper reviews different models of time frequency changes and frequency distribution of sound signals. The models, are applied to the representation of room acoustics quality; the restoration (denoising) of measured room impulse responses; artificial reverberation and distance effects in virtual auditory displays by audio signal processing systems.Library:
Title:Метод за премахване на отскоци от аудио сигналите въз основа на анализ във времевата област
Author:Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев; Козарев, Иван К.; Лишков, Славчо Димитров (рец.); Momchedzhikov, Mihail Blagoev; Kozarev, IvanDate:2004Abstract:During the recording and transmiddion process of audio signals there are situation when the output signals is distorted from norse.The archive recordings which have very important for the art and history are also noisy distorted. The distortion, cracks and picks in the sound signals have very different nature and ifluence on the sound signals ...Library:
Title:Алгоритми, използвани при въвеждането и разпознаването на „воден знак“ за аудио сигнали
Author:Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев; Иванов, Ангел З.; Лишков, Славчо Димитров (рец.); Momchedzhikov, Mihail Blagoev; Ivanov, Angel Z.Date:2004Abstract:Wide spreading of digital data over the Internet has lead to the increasing need of finding a way to protect their copyright. For that reason protections like digital watermarking have become an interesting area for investigations and scientific researches. In this paper a brief description of the digital watermarking technique is made. A ...Library: