Заглавие:Класификации и технически реализации на протези за човешки крайници
Автор:Аврамов, Иван Иванов; Нецова, Лилия Венелинова; Първанова, Цветелина Тодорова; Avramov, Ivan Ivanov; Netsova, Liliya Venelinova; Parvanova, Tsvetelina TodorovaДата:2004Резюме:Tthe paper is an extension on the engineering discussion on the problems of the artificial limbs thesis. A poly-criterion classification of the prosthesis is included. Some technical peculiarities of typical thesis realizations are presented. Generalizations on the principal problems of this scientific field less known Bulgaria connected ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Основни проблеми при протезиране на човешките крайници
Автор:Аврамов, Иван Иванов; Първанова, Цветелина Тодорова; Нецова, Лилия Венелинова; Avramov, Ivan Ivanov; Parvanova, Tsvetelina Todorova; Netsova, Liliya VenelinovaДата:2004Резюме:The subject of the paper is to present the principal engineering problems of the artificial limbs prosthesis. Simplified biomechanical models of the upper and lower limbs as biological objects - standards, were discussed together by models and schemes, including engineering elements. in the conclusion, the new prosthesis tendencies, ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Крачещи роботи чрез съчетано движение на тяло и крак
Автор:Павлов, Веселин Илиев; Чавдаров, Иван Николов; Вацкичев, Александър; Николов, Валентин Николов; Pavlov, Veselin Iliev; Chavdarov, Ivan Nikolov; Vatskichev, Alexandar; Nikolov, Valentin NikolovДата:2004Резюме:A number of principal approaches to the design of walking robots are known, and robot walk copies in most cases walk of living creatures. Different schemes of robot leg and body design are proposed to eventually attain great mobility and stability in unknown environment. An object of the present study is motion of a four-legged system with ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Модернизиране на инженерното обучение по роботика
Автор:Павлов, Веселин Илиев; Трифонов, Калин Бойков; Заманов, Владимир Божилов; Pavlov, Veselin Iliev; Trifonov, Kalin BoykovДата:2004Резюме:The paper discusses the goals, the basic problems and the results obtained due to the grant "Modernization of the engineering education in robotics" in a contract with the World Bank. An accent is put on the opportunities presented by robotics on the modem engineering training since in most developed countries robotics is used in the role ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Basic classes of higway traffic flow models
Автор:Benova, Bela Oleg; Бенова, Бела ОлегДата:2004Резюме:This paper enumerates with restricted amount of details the basic classes of traffic flow models and their inventors. Continuum flow, stochastic, viscosity, car-following, traffic impact descriptions of the driver-vehicle-highway unit are treated. Different approaches for fitting a universal mathematical form to various and sometimes ambiguous ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Реализация на фрактален регулатор с дискретна апроксимация
Автор:Радева, Надежда Радомирова; Radeva, Nadezhda RadomirovaДата:2004Резюме:In this work is proposing fractional controller realized by rational approximation of irrational function. The aim of this paper is to systemize some methods for discrete ap-proximation using numerical integration and power series expansion (PSE), discrete approximation using numerical integration and continued fraction expression (CFE). ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Двусвързана фрактална система за управление
Автор:Радева, Надежда Радомирова; Radeva, Nadezhda RadomirovaДата:2004Резюме:Here is proposed a fractional control algorithm of two-variable industrial project. The system is design with this algorithm has high-quality and robust properties. Systemize fractional-approximation algorithm realized by polynomial recursive method, In this paper are shown effective result from simulations which corroborate fractional ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Вземане на решения в условие на устойчив компромис
Автор:Сапунджиев, Георги НешевДата:2004Резюме:In this paper the problem to determine conditions for choice of solution under stable compromise is solved. The case is considered when there is an arbitrary (but not antagonistic) conflict between decision makers with different resources, different interest and common goal. An approach is proposed decompose the set of decision makers in ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Проблеми на идентификацията на аеродинамичните коефициенти на безпилотни летателни апарати
Автор:Пътев, Николай Йонков; Patev, Nikolay YonkovДата:2004Резюме:Aerodynamics coefficients are nonlinear and non time invariant function of multiple arguments. Their accuracy definitions determine quality automotive control systems of unmanned aerial vehicles. They are considered problems to their identifications and methods of the decision on some from them.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Оптимално управление в надлъжния канал на летателен апарат при външни смущения
Автор:Маджаров, Анастас Николов; Георгиев, Румен Желязков; Билидеров, Стефан Савов; Madzharov, Anastas Nikolov; Georgiev, Rumen Zhelyazkov; Bilidirov, Stefan SavovДата:2004Резюме:Control of the new aircraft vehicle require increase qualification of the
pilots, introduce the new aviation electronics and the computer technology as estimate of
dynamic flight parameters and control of steedngwheel.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Алгоритми, моделиращи свойствата на атмосферата и гравитационното поле на земята в SIMULINK
Автор:Георгиев, Румен Желязков; Georgiev, Rumen ZhelyazkovДата:2004Резюме:This paper discus implementation of static and dynamic atmosphere models in Simulink environment. Problems for connecting these models in total aircraft flight model analyzing.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Дистанционен мониторинг и управление на изпитателни пещи
Автор:Рабаджийски, Момчил Борисов; Дачев, Йордан Иванов; Rabadzhiyski, Momchil Borisov; Dachev, Yordan IvanovДата:2004Резюме:This paper deal with remote control system for test furnaces, which are the main part of the testers for check the rest resource of responsible equipment. We suggest a hierarchic structure of the system which is able to realize different remote process controlling methods and we compare these methods in terms of cost efficiency, complexity ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Comparative analysis of D and ID fractional regulators for the robust control of static plants
Автор:Benova, Bela Oleg; Бенова, Бела ОлегДата:2004Резюме:In this paper are given the basic properties and features of the CRONE control. One of the most popular methods for the synthesis of non-integer-order control systems — the approximation by a fractio-rational recursion — is used for the conception of fractional differentiator and integro-differentiator. The dynamic and robust characteristics ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Discrete robust control system with internal model
Автор:Nikolova, Nina GeorgievaДата:2004Резюме:The paper presents a proof for the applicability of a method for synthesis of robust internal model control systems. The case of discrete-time systems synthesis is discussed.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Робастна каскадна система за управление с вътрешен модел
Автор:Николова, Нина Георгиева; Николов, Емил Костов; Nikolova, Nina Georgieva; Nikolov, Emil KostovДата:2004Резюме:In the present article is proposed the structure of a new robust cascade control system with internal model. The new system effectively combines the properties of the .robust system with internal model and robust system with conditional feedback, both well know in the literature. For synthesis of pro-posed system are used the method of a ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Сравнителен анализ между някои методи за апроксимация на преходни характеристики
Автор:Дойчев, Дойчин Йорданов; Doychev, Doychin YordanovДата:2004Резюме:The approximation of the plant's step response is still the most traditional way for plant's dynamics modeling. In the paper some methods for step responses approximation are examined. The aim of this examination is to make some conclusions about using the plant models for controllers tuning. The comparative analysis is based on examples and simulations.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Честотен анализ на линейни непрекъснати интегро – диференциращи системи
Автор:Карлова, Весела Ангелова; Костов, Костадин Георгиев; Karlova, Vesela Angelova; Kostov, Kostadin GeorgievДата:2004Резюме:The paper studies linear continuous Lag-Lead systems in the frequency
domain: The relations between some parameters of the frequency responses and the
parameters of the system have been established in analytical form. Responses are
presented in the different planes depending on the variation of the ratio between the poles
and the ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Оптимално по енергия управление на електрически бойлер
Автор:Наплатаров, Константин Христов; Стоицева, Десислава Руменова; Naplatarov, Konstantin Hristov; Stoitseva, Desislava RumenovaДата:2004Резюме:The energy efficiency problem is a question of present interest especially in Bulgaria, which is at the back of the line on this criterion in Europe based on statistics. This article treats the possibilities of achieving electrical power economy in using electrical power boiler, through optimal control. The electrical power boiler, with ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Discrete fractional - order control system
Автор:Nikolov, Emil Kostov; Николов, Емил КостовДата:2004Резюме:In the present article are proposed: structure of a fractional order control system; method for the synthesis of a fractional algorithm of a new class; method for a discretization of the fractional algorithm; it is deducated a finite difference equation suitable for a direct configuration of discrete controllers; it is submitted and solved ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Система за управление на пастьоризатор
Автор:Ружеков, Георги Томов; Събев, Диан ИвановДата:2004Резюме:In this paper was described a pasteurizator, its functions, modes and problems. The control system was based on the Siamtic S7 300 controller. The human machine intetface was realized by the touch panel TP170A. All dialogs are in Bulgarian. The system makes continuous diagnostics over all the valves, sensors and input — output controller ...Библиотека: