Заглавие:Анализ на методите за вземане на решение, приложими при избор на варианти за гъвкава автоматизация
Автор:Хаджикосев, Гено Николов; hadzhikosev, Geno NikolovДата:1995Резюме:From the practice of the decision making for flexible automation is well known, the big risk which is taken by manufactures and clients. This risk could be made smaller with more detailed analysis of design alternatives. In this paper is presented an analysis of the Decision Making Theory methods which could be used for making decisions for ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Използуване на съвременни методи за оценка на инвестиции, сравнение на алтернативи и оптимизация на производството-технически решения
Автор:Андреева, Наталия Цветкова; Andreeva, Natalia TsvetkovaДата:1995Резюме:The paper views the implementation of some contemporary approaches and methods for evaluation of investments -and comparison of alternatives which allow for the optimisation of solutions at the level of manufacturing systems and operations. A special attention has been paid to the opportunities for the use of the approaches and methods ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Експериментално изследване на компютърна система за управление на челен товарач
Автор:Георгиев, Марин Здравков; Georgiev, Marin Zdravkov; Данчев, Данчо Иванов; Danchev, Dancho Ivanov; Стойчев, Стефко Драгомиров; Stoychev, Stefko DragomirovДата:1995Резюме:Introducing of the Computer Control Systems (C.C.S.) in the front loaders is forced by a lot of technological and ergonomic reasons. Experimental investigation of a such a system requires processing and sifting of a great amount of data concerning the most important parameters for the machine control: working pressure in the hydraulic system, ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Изследване на гъвкавите автоматични монтажни средства за стабилизиране на производителността им
Автор:Петкова, Радка Ангелова; Petkova, Radka AngelovaДата:1995Резюме:Suggested is a method for raising the effectiveness of the FFAD (flexible assembly automation devices) testing that is meant to stabilizing the FAAD productivity in their design and/or application. The method base o.s. on the Paretto-Analyses and the Cause-and-Effect-Diagrams. The Paretto-method has been used for testing of an operative ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:An expert system to design for assembly with manufacturing cost constraints
Автор:Ikonopisov, Antoni; Иконописов, АнтониДата:1995Резюме:In today's competitive product market the reduction of product manufacturing costs is of a great significance. The objective of the present research is to develop an approach to design for assembly which gives designer the possibility to assess and reduce the production costs at an early stage of the design process. An expert system based ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Приложение на линейни CCD – сензори в дискретни производствени процеси
Автор:Милушев, Младен Стоилов; Milushev, Mladen StoilovДата:1995Резюме:The rising need for automation makes the more efficient implementation of visual sensors a very actual task. The linear CCD-sensors application for automation of manufacturing processes, is at present a practical reality. The report deals with analysis of the precision of reading of one-dimension-sizes with the help of linear CCD-sensors ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Състояние, проблеми и възможни перспективи при въвеждането на ефективна автоматизация в условията на пазарно стопанство
Автор:Дамянов, Димитър; Томов, Панчо; Damyanov, Dimitar; Tomo, PanchoДата:1995Резюме:The article treat problems at building of systems of effective automation in conditions of market economy. Also describe the problems and specific conditions at the moment and the experience of industrial countries. The method of concurrent engineering is described on that base, and all profits of using that at creation of complex hi-tech ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Автоматичен комплекс за сглобяване на клапани за вентили
Автор:Клочков, Любен Тодоров; Klochkov, Lyuben TodorovДата:1995Резюме:An application of the pneumatic stream effect in assembly of valves as a new efficient assembly technology is discussed in this paper. A selection of an optimal structure of an automatic assembly line for valves based on this technology is done. A case study illustrates the potential of the proposed technique.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Изследване на двулентов кръстат пружинен шарнир с приложение в жироскопични уреди за измерване на сила и маса
Автор:Цонев, Никола Иванов; Tsonev, Nikola IvanovДата:1995Резюме:In the present report the results of experimental investigations regarding the constancy degree of the position of a rotations axis realized by double cross-strip links are shown. Some conclusions and recommendations, useful for the design and assembly of such links intended for gyroscopic cells for force and mass measurement, are made.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Повърхностно налягане във верижна ходова част на булдозер
Автор:Панов, Веско Крумов; Panov, Vesko KrumovДата:1995Резюме:Theoretical and graphical results have been obtained for determining the ground pressure distribution under the tracks of bulldozers. The real operating condition and existing asymmetry of bulldozers have been taken into account. The influence of moving of the resultant force applied-point onto the readability and track elements wear have ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Идентификация на параметрите на хидравличен багер в реални работни условия
Автор:Панов, Веско Крумов; Panov, Vesko KrumovДата:1995Резюме:he hydraulic excavators are characterised with their complex structure and large number of geometric, mass, inertia, elastic, damping and force parameters which mostly are changed depending on working conditions. This requires an identification of the excavator's parameters in real working conditions. To achieve this task an algorithmic ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Деформационен метод за тестова диагностика на метални кранови конструкции
Автор:Коцев, Николай Василев; Короткий, Анатолий Аркадиевич; Kotsev, Nikolai Vasilev; Korotkij, Anatoliy ArkadievichДата:1995Резюме:The certification of Metal Crane Construction (MCC) for further use after the end of the design period of exploitation, has a great importance in Bulgaria and also in other countries in the world. The certification require detail and precise analysis of the condition of the MCC. This authors developed a method for test diagnostics of MCC, ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Анализ на нуждите от прогресивни технологии за автоматизация на дискретните производствени процеси
Автор:Нешков, Тодор; Джоунс, Клифърд; Neshkov, Todor; Clifard, Jones; Cliufford, JonesДата:1995Резюме:Presented are the results from the research done in several manufacturing enterprises and regarding their possibilities for implementation of advanced manufacturing technologies in spite of the inauspicious circumstances during a period of recession. Enclosed is the questionnaire on Which the research was based and a number of obtained ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Интелигентни системи за проектиране
Автор:Нешков, Тодор; Велков, Христо; Neshkov, Todor; Velkov, HristoДата:1995Резюме:Analysed are the are the modern systems for computer-aided design. Reviewed are some aspects of the application of artificial intelligence elements in the field of design systems for both kinds of design - product and manufacturing process design. Pointed out are the advantages and shortages of the designing process aided by features. Shown ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Моделиране и упраление на еластичен манипулатор
Автор:Янакиев, Антон Иванов; Енчев, Емил; Константинов, Михаил; Yanakiev, Anton Ivanov; Enchev, Emil; Konstantinov, MihailДата:1995Резюме:The control of elastic manipulator is a complex task due to the nonlinearity and high dimensionally of the equations describing the problem. In this publication the motion of an elastic manipulator is considered as transport (rigid) and elastic (vibration) motion. The dynamics of the rigid motion is modeled by using the method of Lagrange-Euler. ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Моделиране на подемна уредба при кари високоповдигачи
Автор:Янакиев, Антон Иванов; Славчев, Цветан C.; Yanakiev, Anton Ivanov; Slavchev, Tsvetan S.Дата:1995Резюме:By using, the Finite Element Method (FEM) the authors analysed the hoist construction of fork — lift truck. After a preliminary stress analysis, the construction is optimized by reducing some connection elements. The optimized construction is analysed in respect with deformations and eigenvalues. The minor increase of some deformations has ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Проблеми на демонтажа при повторно използуване на изделия и материали
Автор:Бояджиев, Илия Кирилов; Boyadzhiev, Iliya KirilovДата:1995Резюме:This paper deals with the significance of the second use (recycling) of products and their parts and with the materials they are made of in regard of environment's protection. Systematized and analysed are the possible ways for products recycling. Pointed out are the role and significance of disassembly in the process of recycling as well ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Векторна оптимизация на параметрите при конструиране на изделия
Автор:Малаков, Иво Кръстев; Malakov, Ivo KrastevДата:1995Резюме:The method for selected optimal parameter values using given limits and requirements for his technical and economical characteristics is examined in the report. It is offered a solving task algorithm and it is exemplified.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Формализиран избор на оптимален структурен вариант на изделие с агрегатно-модулен строеж
Автор:Малаков, Иво Кръстев; Бояджиев, Илия Кирилов; Malakov, Ivo Krastev; Boyadzhiev, Iliya KirirlovДата:1995Резюме:Using developed functional structure there should be defined elemental devices which are performing the partial functions, in order for their combination to answer given requirements and limits. When the elemental devices are elements from the unit-module system their technical and economical characteristics are known in advance. That gives ...Библиотека: