Title:Моделиране на концентрацията и диференциацията на операциите в гъвкавите автоматизирани производствени комплекси
Author:Гановски, Владимир Савов; Ангелов, Ангел Тодоров; Ganovski, Vladimir Savov; Angelov, Angel TodorovDate:1995Abstract:The influence of Concentration and differentiation of operations over the sys-tem technical coefficient is shown in this article. An economical efficiency estimate is also given. These estimates are based on a mathematical model. This model is used to obtain the optimal parameters of a flexible automated system — boundary and restrictive ...Library:
Title:LC-Генератори с операционни усилватели с токова обратна връзка - (CFA) - изследване и проектиране
Author:Пандиев, Ивайло Малинов; Pandiev, Ivailo Malinov; Стаменов, Димитър; Stamenov, Dimitar; Доневска, Лила; Donevska, Lila; Гаджева, Елисавета Димитрова; Gadzheva, Elisaveta DimitrovaDate:2005Abstract:A new circuit structure of LC-oscillator is proposed based on CFA with a second additional high-impedance output. The circuit is analyzed using the generalized matrix method of node voltages and analytical expressions for the magnitude and phase oscillation conditions are derived. An oscillator design methodology is proposed based on the ...Library:
Title:Аналитичен метод за проектиране на координационен график за управление на автомобилното движение
Author:Ангелов, Ангел Петков; Джонев, Георги рец.; Диало, Мамаду; Шунин, Свилен Любенов; Angelov, Angel Petkov; Dialo, Mamadu; Shunin, Svilen LyubenovDate:1998Abstract:An analytical method for designing of a coordination plan for controlling vehicle traffic with traffic lights ensuring a green wave has been presented. The method takes into account all limitations connected with the durations of the green phases, the vehicle speed and the distances between the intesections included in the system.Library:
Title:Изследване на движението на автомобилите в групи формирани при светофарно регулиране
Author:Ангелов, Ангел Петков; Диало, Мамаду; Симеонов, Емил рец.; Angelov, Angel Petkov; Dialo, MamaduDate:1998Abstract:It has been established experimentally that vehicle movement in groups at traffic lights is described best with a three - parameter Weibull distribution. The relevant regression equations for the shape parameter a and the scale parameter 13 as a function of distance travelled have been determined. They can be used for simulation of vehicle ...Library:
Title:Изследване на токсичните параметри и горивната икономичност на автобуси с катализаторни устройства CELCAT
Author:Киров, Володя Иванов; Kirov, Volodya Ivanov; Трайков, Борислав рец.Date:1998Abstract:In the article are presnted the results of an investigation in road conditions of busses "Rants 280" and "Chavdar 1420" with diesel engines RABA D2156 HM6U, D10 UTS 150 and ROMAN. The influance of cerium oxide catalist systems CELCAT on the level of emissions and fuel economy has been studied. Conclusions and recommendations are made for ...Library:
Title:Сравнително изследване на износоустойчивост на напластени покрития от прахообразни сплави
Author:Киров, Володя Иванов; Маджарски, Емил рец.; Kirov, Volodya IvanovDate:1998Abstract:In the article are presented the results of a study on comparative wear resistance of some flame-sprayed nickel-based powder coatings. The experiments have been done under different speeds and pressures on "ring — segment" shaped samples. The rings have been sprayed with different powder alloys. An evaluation is made of friction characteristics ...Library:
Title:Област на приложение на някои методи за получаване на информация от цензурирани извадки
Author:Джонев, Георги Борисов; Соколов, Емил рец.; Dzhonev, Georgi BorisovDate:1998Abstract:The paper describes the determination of the area of application of several methods for extracting information from censored samples. By means of a planned experiment the influence of the level of completion of the tests, the coefficient of variation, and the size of the sample on the total relative error of the mean and the standard deviation ...Library:
Title:Особености на технологията за изработване на аеростатични шеийни за прецизни металорежещи машини
Author:Угринов, Пламен Угринов; Ралев, Димитър Николов; Ugrinov, Plamen Ugrinov; Ralev, Dimitar NikolovDate:1998Abstract:Here are shown the features of the construction and the technology, that allow the achievement of a high requirement to fisical and mechanical characteristics and accuracy of aerostatic T — slides for precision machine tools by means of decreased expenses of materials and highqualified labour.Library:
Title:Разположение на режещите пластини и влиянието му върху силовото натоварване при пробиване с пръстеновидни свредла
Author:Йорданов, Георги Димитров; Jordanov, Georgi Dimitrov; Недялков, Александър рец.Date:1998Abstract:The paper deals with ring drills having changing clamped-tip carbide tools.A theoretical analysis of cutting scheme is carried out.Relationships are found for axial and radial shifting of carbide plates defining the cutting scheme. The most favorable values of shifts are found taking in to account minimum axes loading of the drill. The ...Library:
Title:Конструктивни особености, технологични изисквания и експлоатационни изследвания на автоматична реверсивна система за стръскване
Author:Патев, Христо Василев; Pate, Hristo VasilevDate:1998Abstract:The present work is devoted to designing, manufacturing and testing of a automatical rivers shaking device for a fluidized bed type drying instalation. The device is designet for intermediate shakk of the bag filter. The developed and introduced device is Compact, manufacturable and simple for production, reliable in exploatation. Its ...Library:
Title:Технологични особености и сравнение на трайността на свредла с валцовани и с шлифовани стружкови канали
Author:Мартинов, Георги Мирчев; Патев, Христо Василев; Ангелов, Николай рец.; Martinov, Georgi Mirchev; Patev, Hristo VasilevDate:1998Abstract:In the present study the degree in tool life dfferense between drils manifactured by means of two technological methods: with rolling and with grinding of whole prop of chip grooves waas founded. The experimental data have shown that the tool life of drils is 1q3 to 1q5 - fold higher than those of grinding ones. These results are in ...Library:
Title:Оптичен уред „ВАЛ-1“ за получаване на светлина с различно състояние на поляризация
Author:Танева, Валентина Танева; Димитрова, Елена Христова; Ницолов, Стефан рец.; Taneva, Valentina Taneva; Dimitrova, Elena HristovaDate:1998Abstract:In the present work we consider the design of the optical device "VAL-1" developed for medicine research applications and for obtaining polarised light with different ex-tents of ellypticity. The properties of the output polarised light are optimised by use of a four-wave compensator. There exists the possibility to change the light wavelength ...Library:
Title:Намиране на оптимални геометрични параметри за W-едномодово оптично влакно
Author:Терзиева, Снежана Димитрова; Тошев, Георги Александров; Ненов, Георги рец.; Terzieva, Snezhana Dimitrova; Tosheh, Georgo AleksandrovDate:1998Abstract:In this paper an approach for finding the optimal geometric parameters of a W-single-mode optical fiber with rectangular central dip is presented. The design of experiments for determination of the statistical models of the objective functions (mode field diameters - Petermann 1 and 2) is used. The two polynomial models are subjected to ...Library:
Title:Реализация на система за активно подтискане на шумове
Author:Илиев, Георги Любенов; Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев; Стаменов, Михаил Димитров; Кунчев, Румен Кирилов рец.; Momchedzhikov, Mihail Blagoev; Iliev, Georgi Lyubenov; Stamenov, Mihail DimitrovDate:1998Abstract:In the present work a system for active noise control is implemented. The realization is based on TMS320C3D. The system uses inverse adaptive modeling and FXLMS algorithm. It can be used for suppressing of acoustic noise at low frequencies where the passive sound absorbers do not work well.Library:
Title:A digital frequency - sensitive phase detector
Author:Mihov, Georgi Slavchev; Михов, Георги Славчев; Овчаров, Стефан рец.Date:1998Abstract:In paper a variant of a digital frequency sensitive phase detector is offered. It works, using both edges of the compared signals. An additionally logic circuit changes the active edges of the signals after each comparison. It causes that the high frequency component in output signal (proportional to the phase difference) has twice higher ...Library:
Title:Хибриден генетичен алгоритъм за адаптивни рекурсивни филтри
Author:Неделев, Петко Неделев; Илиев, Георги Любенов; Кунчев, Румен Кирилов рец.; Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев; Momchedjikov, Mihail Blagoev; Nedelev, Petko Nedelev; Iliev, Georgi LyubenovDate:1998Abstract:A hybrid genetic algorithm for adaptive recursive filters is designed. The presented algorithm combines the advantages of LMS algorithm and genetic algorithm. It has fast convergence rate and relatively low computational complexity. The use of a genetic algorithm allows to solve more effectively the problem with the local minima in the ...Library:
Title:Рекурсивна инверсна пирамидална декомпозиция на изображения чрез „ориентирани“ повърхнини
Author:Кунчев, Румен Кирилов; Kuntchev, Rumen; Момчеджиков, Михаил рец.Date:1998Abstract:A new method for pyramidal image decomposition is offered, using "oriented" surfaces that approximate the pyramid layers with minimum mean square error. The decomposition permits the achievement of a strong concentration of the image energy in its first components. In order to decrease the computational complexity the decomposition is ...Library:
Title:Investigation of CCD input stages influence over the frequency characteristics
Author:Andonova, Anna Vladova; Gospodinova, Minka Вж Delcheva Minka Gospodinova; Delcheva, Minka Gospodinova; Андонова, Анна Владова; Делчева, Минка Господинова; Господинова, Минка Вж Делчева, Минка Господинова; Михов, Георги рец.Date:1998Abstract:The spurious frequencies caused by aliasing in a charge coupled devices (CCD) low-pass filter can be cancelled in the passband by designing a prefilter into the COD's input stage. In this paper, we describe how single and multiple-stage prefilters can be used, the rejection band and attenuation being set by the number of stages. In most ...Library:
Title:Приложение на функциите на Уолш за предаване на информация в телеметрични системи с висока отговорност
Author:Андонова, Анна Владова; Andonova, Anna Vladova; Андонов, Антонио Владимиров; Andonov, Antonio Vladimirov; Христов, Христо рец.Date:1998Abstract:In this paper information transfering reliability in telemechanic systems with safety responsibility by means of discreet orthogonal Walsh signals under conditions of power impuls disturbance influence and nonlinearity in transmission trakt availability is investigated. The analyses were carried out using signal forming and processing ...Library: