Заглавие:Дългосрочни климатични характеристики за проектиране и анализ на пасивни слънчеви системи в Сирия
Автор:Фарес, Амине; Fares, AmineДата:1995Резюме:For the design and evaluation of the effectiveness of passive systems it is necessary to know the long-term characteristics of the main climatic factors which also determine the basic input energy flow. A data base for a 25 year period for five representative areas in Syria has been analyzed and the substantial long -term characteristics ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Прибор за непрекъснато измерване влагосъдържанието на пряснята пара в АЕЦ
Автор:Иванов, Георги Рампов; Ivanov, Georgi RampovДата:1995Резюме:In the article are described the basic requirements, used for the design of a real microprocessor-based device for continuous fresh steam wetness fraction measurement in a nuclear power plant with saturated steam turbines. The throttling calorimeter has been chosen, as the most accurate and applicable for the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Влияние на началното влагосъдържание на парата върху ефективността на турбина К 220-44
Автор:Иванов, Георги Рампов; Маринов, Марин Александров; Ivanov, Georgi Rampov; Marinov, Marin AlexandrovДата:1995Резюме:By means of a computer software, an investigation was made for the influence of the inlet steam wetness fraction on the power and turbine Efficiency of the high pressure stage of the saturated steam turbine type K.220-44 at different load levels. Due to the reheat after the high pressure stage, the influence of the inlet parameters is limited ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Анализ на чувствителността на температурното поле в стена на тромб
Автор:Калоянов, Никола; Фарес, Амине; Fares, Amine; Kaloyanov, NikolaДата:1995Резюме:The modelling of heat transfer processes in an accumulating Trombe-Michel wall is connected inevitably with the character of the input energy flow. It is exceptionally dcult to obtain common mathematical description of the dynamic heat exchange process involving all the components of the input energy flow. In order to simplify the problem ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Приложение на регулатори с променлива структура за управление на енергийни обекти
Автор:Каранешев, Светослав Ангелов; Ганев, Ивайло Гинев; Karaneshev, Svetoslav Angelov; Ganev, Ivailo GuinevДата:1995Резюме:A control structure is proposed, consisting of PID controller with variable structure and a block for independent compensation of the disturbances in the control loop. A comparison of the transient processes and amplitude, vs frequency characteristics of the proposed control structure and digital PI and PID controllers is made.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Технически средства за измерване на разход с гарантирани метрологични характеристики
Автор:Ганев, Ивайло Гинев; Каранешев, Светослав Ангелов; Начев, Георги Начев; Ganev, Ivailo Ginev; Karaneshev, Svetoslav Angelov; Nachev, Georgi NachevДата:1995Резюме:Aproaches to minimise the systematic and additional errors when measuring flow with Ventoury type trans:niter are discussed. An evaluation of the influencing factors and the incertainty limits of the apriori information is made. A conclusion is made regarding the possibility to design intelligent flowmeters with improved metrological characteristics.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Динамични свойства на пламъчно - тръбни котли
Автор:Григоров, Александър Данчев; Grigorov, Alexandar DanchevДата:1995Резюме:In this paper on the basis of the power engineering approach, in analytical way, are obtained mathematical models, describing the dynamics of the flame-tube boilers that are manufactured and widely distributed in the notional decentralized power economy. There are included both the control and disturbances dynamical canals of steam and water ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Annual energy consumption of air - conditioning systems
Автор:Stoichkov, Nikola Yordanov; Стоичков, Никола Йорданов; Димитров, Генко; Dimitrov, GenkoДата:1995Резюме:An algorithm and software for air-conditioning systems annual energy consumption is carried out on the basis of hourly simulations. For external loads estimation the Test Reference Year for Sofia is used. The same room with constant internal loads was examined. Simulation models for systems with constant (CAV and variable (VAV) air volume ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Test reference year for Sofia
Автор:Stoichkov, Nikola Yordanov; Стоичков, Никола Йорданов; Калоянов, Никола Георгиев; Димитров, Генко Иванов; Kaloyanov, Nikola Georgiev; Dimitrov, Genko IvanovДата:1995Резюме:Test Refence Year (TRY) is it set of 8760 hourly coincident data for air temperature and relative humidity,, duration' sunshine, intensity of total solar radiation on horizontal surface, wind velocity and direction. TRY is used as a data base for simulating the performance of solar energy systems, building energy consumption and for indoor ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Моделиране обтичането на крило с несвиваема вискозна среда
Автор:Савов, Владимир Светославов; Гешев, Диан Ненов; Savov, Vladimir Svetoslavov; Geshev, Dian NenovДата:1995Резюме:Smooth flow around a wing of moderate aspect ratio and sweepback is simu-lated by the discrete vortex method assuming that the medium is inviscous and the wing is replaced with its middle surface. The effective wing section angle of attack is derived and using two-dimensional boundary layer with pressure gradient is calculated by the Polhausen ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Methods for numerical simulation of three – dimensional turbulent flows
Автор:Stankov, Petar; Станков, ПетърДата:1995Резюме:The paper presents an analysis of the methods of simulating turbulent flows of practical importance. An assessment of Direct Numerical Simulation, Large Eddy Simulation and Simulation by Turbulence Transport models is made concerning the possibility of predicting three-dimensional turbulent flows. The analysis is made in view of present and ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Numerical prediction of comfort and ventilation efficiency in ventilated rooms
Автор:Denev, Yordan A; Денев, Йордан А.; Stankov, Petar; Станков, ПетърДата:1995Резюме:The paper presents investigation of comfort and ventilation efficiency in a typically chemical laboratory room with two fume cupboards. The investigation is based on the detailed results obtained from the numerical solution of a system of seven partial differential equations on a numerical grid of 245000 points. The assessment of comfort ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Диапазон на регулиране на дебита при бутални дозиращи помпи
Автор:Симов, Симеон Теофилов; Кичев, Вълко Маринов; Обретенов, Валентин Славов; Simov, Simeon Teofilov; Obretenov, Valentin Slavov; Kichev, Valko MarinovДата:1995Резюме:The range and accuracy of controlling the flow rate of metering limps are of special interest as concerns the industrial applications of this type of pumps. The design solutions known so far provide a range of controlling the flow rate from 30% to 100% of the rated flow rate. Another solution with considerably widened range of controlling ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Определяне на КПД. на водни турбини тип Пелтон от ВЕЦ „Пещера“
Автор:Обретенов, Валентин Славов; Кичев, Вълко Маринов; Симов, Симеон Теофилов; Obretenov, Valentin Slavov; Kichev, Valko Marinov; Simov, Simeon TeofilovДата:1995Резюме:The paper presents the results of experiments made with Pelson water turbines operating at HG1 at PESHTERA HPS (Hydroelectric Power Station). Experiments were made with the aim to determine the efficiency of .the two turbines before and after the modernization of impellers and regulating system carried out by Sulzer (Switzerland). Measurements ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Върху задачата за ососиметрично потенциално течение в тръба
Автор:Варсамов, Кирил Георгиев; Varsamov, Kiril GeorgievДата:1995Резюме:Two methods for analysis of axisymmetric potential flow in duct are discussed in this paper, namely the method of Amromin and Ivanov (1975) and the one of Varsatnov and Haimov (1978). On the basis of identical theoretical model (steady potential flow of an incompressible fluid) and similar techniques of reducing the boundary value problems ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Система за компенсация на реактивните товари в съответствие с изискванията на новата cosȹ тарифа
Дата:1995Резюме:This paper presents from schemetechnical point of view the principles of reactive loads control by means of microprocessor regulator of reactive power criterion and additional controllers for capacitor batteries control. There are present different cases for compensation of centralized and uncentralized distributed compensated powers in ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Изчисление на загубите на енергия в електрическите мрежи по данни от телеизмерване
Автор:Боцов, Марин Николов; Botsov, Marin NikolovДата:1995Резюме:The teleirlfonnation in our power system can't be used directly for calculation of energy losses. In this paper is given method for calculation of missing powers in branches and minimization of mismathes. By this method computer program is realized It is tested by real data from network 110 KV in district Gorna Oriahovitsa.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Съвременен информационен подход при изчисляване на загубите на енергия в електрическите мрежи 100 kv
Автор:Захариев, Васил Тодоров; Боцов, Марин Николов; Zahariev, Vasil Todorov; Botsov, Marin NikolovДата:1995Резюме:In this a new information report is given relating the calculation of the loses of energy in electrical networks. It is based on information from telemetering or processing of real power diagrams data. By this method computer program is realised, used for calculation of loses of the energy in real electrical networks.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Метод за определяне на скоростната характеристика на системата секционен изолатор – токоснемател
Автор:Бакалов, Здравко Станчев; Bakalov, Zdravko StanchevДата:1995Резюме:In the paper are described the developed analytical method for determination of the speed characteristic of the section insulator-current collector system as well as methods for determinated of the basic magnitudes, which are used for the calculations and at the same time have been determined the design and the maximum admissible running ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Специфични проблеми на заземяване на съоръженията по електрифицираните жп участъци
Автор:Вичева, Нели Тодорова; Андрова, Наталия Иванова; Андреев, Радослав Владимиров; Vicheva, Neli Todorova; Androva, Natalia Ivanova; Andreev, Radoslav VladimirovДата:1995Резюме:In the paper has been examined the equipment earthing around the electrified railway sections and have been analysed the problems that appear in terms of assuring normal operation-of the relay protection, .man steely at work, as well as compatibility and correct operation of the mil circuits of the safety installations. At the same time are ...Библиотека: