Stankov, K.; Karakolev, S.
Economic efficiency of farms with sheep of the Awassi breed in Bulgaria
Date of Issue:
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Trakia Journal of Sciences: Series Social Sciences,Vol. 22, No2, pp133-137
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
1313-3551 [issn]
sheep; milk; fertility; live weight; feed; income; costs; profit; profitability; кономическа ефективност; ферми; овце; аваси; мляко; плодовитост; живо тегло; фуражи; приходи; разходи; печалби; рентабилност
A study was carried out on the economic efficiency of three herds of the Awassibreed for the period 2021-2023. The animals included in the study amounted to986 animals in 2021, and 996 animals in 2023.The results of the survey show that during the survey period, herd renovations were carried out at the rate of 32.4%. By the same percentage, the number of rams was reduced, which significantly exceeded those required for the herds and made production more expensive.All natural indicators have been improved. Milk produced for the study period increased by 28.22%, but the established milk yield of 126 liters was below the requirements of the breeding program of 160 liters per milking period.The fertility of the breed increased and reachedvalues of 144% with the requirements set in the breeding program at 110%. The live massof lambs for sale increased by 4%, but the purchase price increased by 37.49% per 1 kg.On average, farm income increased by 33.35% and expenditure by 27.62%. The increase in costs wasdue to the higher prices of fodder, which, with the exception of alfalfa hay in the village of Tankovo, waspurchased from other farms.In 2021, minimal profit was realized, and in 2023, there was satisfactoryprofitability, but with a low value of income and expenses.The results of the study prove thatfarmers experience a dire needof land for theproduction ofanimal feed.