Милчев, Цачо Йотов; Miltchev, Tsatcho Iotov
Разменният механизъм между безработица и инфлация
The exchange mechanism between an unemployment and an inflation
Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, 48(5), 1995, pp.373-380
Технически университет - София
0374-342X [issn]
безработица; инфлация; крива на Филипс
The possibilities of curved line of Fillips has been analysed in this work to decrease the level of the unemployment at the expense of the increase the inflation, or a contrariwise — to depress the inflation at the expense of increase the unemployment. Here has been expressed some doubts about the possibilities of this exchange mechanism and his inapplicability in Bulgaria.
Съдържа фигури. – Библиогр., с. 379-380.