Македонски, Александър Иванов; Makedonski, Alexander Ivanov
Третиране на стъпални свредла на установка "УЛТРАМИТ"
Treatment of step drills at "ULTRAMIT" stand
Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, 48(1), 1995, pp. 41-46
Технически университет - София
0374-342X [issn]
магнитно поле; електрофизична обработка
Treatment of step drills at "ULTRAMIT" stand Alexander Makedonski
Under the actual conditions of production at "G. Kostov" Company - Sofia the tested meta 1-cuting tools are compared on their cuting possibilities, expressed by the durability T- respectively the number of the holes bored in the part "Body".
The purpose of the test is that through by combined electrophysical effect - constant magnetic field and ultrasound (CMF + US) to improve the cuting possibilities of the above mentioned tools and respectively the conditions and the efficiency of the process The comparative analysis foud out an icrease in durability of the treated tools compared to Lhe untreated from l,51?2,05 times.
This result as well as the absence of broken tools suppose elimination of existing defects on the tools through by electrophysical treatment applied.
Съдържа таблици и формули. – Библиогр., с. 46.