Недялков, Александър Стоянов; Nedialkov, Alexander Stoyanov; Йорданов, Георги Добрев; Jordanov, George Dobrev
Кръгли ексцентрици с постоянна сила на затягане
Round excentrics with constant tightening force
Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, 48(1), 1995, pp. 15-19
Технически университет - София
0374-342X [issn]
ексцентрика, кръглите ексцентрици; сила на затягане
It is well known that the round excentrics do not provide a constant tightening force of their working profile. This fact is due to the vari¬ance of the slop angle on different points of the profile.
In the paper a design of a device ensuring constant tightening force of the working profile of the round excentrice is described. It compensates the change of the siope angle with a suitable change of the coefficient of friction between the excentric and the billet.
A design of an assombled round excentric proposed where the shan- ge of the tightening force dres not exceed 61.
Съдържа таблици, формули и схеми. – Библиогр., с. 19.