Георгиев, Вълчан Тодоров; Georgiev, Valchan Todorov; Бойчев, Борислав Богданов; Bojchev, Birislav Bogdanov; Матанов, Николай Стефанов; Matanov, Nikolai Stefanov; Господинов, Васил Спасов; Gospodinov, Vasil Spasov
Стенд за изследване на реактивни товари с променлив характер и тяхното компенсиране
Stаnd for research compensation of reactive load with variable character
Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, 59(2), 2009, pp. 219-224
Технически университет - София
1311-0829 [issn]
The character of the reactive power of the load (leading or lagging) cash change according to the working regime in a specific topology of electrical power supply network. That can lead to significant financial expenditure dew to the power energy returned to the main. Different ways of compensation of reactive loads in such a case are summarized in the paper and some considerations for the choice of compensation strategy are discussed. A laboratory stand for studding of loads with varying character is supposed.
Съдържа таблици и схеми. – Библиогр., с. 224.