Veselinov, Vladislav Danchev; Веселинов, Владислав Данчев
Possibilities of improvement of monitoring and diagnostic process of power electronic devices
Date of Issue:
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Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, 58(2), 2008, pp. 289-294
Технически университет - София
1311-0829 [issn]
power converters, power semiconductor, digital complex, break – down process
In the present article are analyzed the possible break-down situations in the internal electric circuits of power rectifier convertors. The main task is a theoretical report of the developing processes during the occurance of internal short circuits under a failure of one or several valves and their influence upon the rest of them. The available possibilities for an optimal defence and the methods of their registrating and measuring are considered. They are applied in the digital complex introduced in the laboratory LAMAR of UCTM designed for research and control of the working process of power electronic devices. The complex is an adaptive system, which adjust the working regime towards the changes of the charges. The main ways for reducing the heat influence of the break down current through the undamaged valves are defined. The suggested classification is suitable for optimization of the working regimes for the devices of this type. The accomplished comparative evaluation of the examined variants can be used for working out methods for an effective defence for rectifier convertors.
Reviewer prof. Petar Goranov. – Formulas, figures. - References, pp. 494