Aleksandrova, Mariya; Александрова, Мария; Dobrikov, Georgi Hristov; Добриков, Георги Христов; Jivkov, Ivaylo; Живков, Ивайло; Dimov, Deyan; Димов, Деян; Rassovska, Milka Markova; Ръсовска, Милка Малкова
Interface characterization of PPV – derivative based structures by direct current electrical measurements
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Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, 58(2), 2008, pp. 277-282
Технически университет - София
1311-0829 [issn]
organic/metal interface; ohmic and SCLC conductivity; polymer based diodes.
Polyphenylenevinylene derivative (PPV – D) based structures with Ohmic and Schottky electrodes have been produced and investigated by direct current– voltage (I-V) measurements. Polymer solutions with different solvent concentrations are prepared and dependence of the film thickness on the amount of solvent is established. It was found that in structures of type Au|PPV-D|Al Ohmic electrodes are formed, whereas ITO|PPV-D|Al samples behave as Schottky diodes. Schottky barrier of 0.2 eV at the ITO|PPV-D interface (anode) was established. Dependence of the conductivity in Au|PPV-D|Al samples on the PPV-D film thickness was found. It shows that bulk conditions dominate the conductivity process rather than contact limited processes. The slope of the I-V characteristics increases linearly decreasing the film thickness. Measurement of 100 nm thick Au|PPV-D|Al samples differs from the linear dependence. It could be referred to a double charge carrier injection from both electrodes. The results obtained are basic point to a further electrode optimization of organic based light emitting diode and solar cell structures.
Reviewer prof. Krassimir Denishev . - Schemes, diagr. - References, pp. 282