Муратовски, Красимир; Muratovski, Krasimir; Бумбаров, Огнян Любенов; Boumbarov, Ognian Lyubenov
Проследяване на лица с адаптивен Mean-Shift алгоритъм и филтър на Калман
Face tracking using adaptive Mean-Shift algorithm and Kalman filter
Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, 58(1), 2008, pp. 118-127
Технически университет - София
1311-0829 [issn]
This paper presents a novel approach to face detection and tracking in video sequences. Probability distribution of the color for the human skin is used as major facial feature. A 2D histogram built from the color components of the image in YCrCb color space is used as representation of the model of the human skin. Facetracking involves the mean-shift algorithm. We propose a method for adaptation both of the tracking-window and of the color-distribution model in order to increase robustness to illumination changes of the environment. Minimizing of the number of iterations is achieved by using dynamic prediction with Kalman filter.
Reviewer prof. PhD Alexander Bekjarski. - Formulas, pictures, diagr. - References, pp. 127