Kobilarov, Roumen Georgiev; Кобиларов, Румен Георгиев
Natural radioactivity in the soils of bansko-razlog region
Естествена радиоактивност в почвите в региона банско-разлог
Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, 58(1), 2008, pp. 21-24
TU - Sofia
1311-0829 [issn]
The natural gamma radiation and 137Cs deposit in the soils of Bansko-Razlog region was measured, using high-resolution gamma ray spectroscopy. The resulting annual effective dose was estimated to be 0,32 mSv, that is very lower than the level of 1 mSv adopted as the upper annual dose limit for the population in Bulgaria. The study area is intensive winter resort which is frequented by many Bulgarian and foreign tourists.
Reviewer assoc. prof. Serafim Nikolov. - Incl. tables and formulas. - References, pp. 24