Димитрова, Виргиния; Dimitrova, Virginiya
Техники за 3D визуализация на терапевтично ниско-честотно магнитно поле
Techniques for 3D visualization of therapeutic lawfrequency magnetic field
Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, 57(1), 2007, pp. 126-136
TU – Sofia
1311-0829 [issn]
The article presents algorithms and techniques for 3d visualization of low-frequency magnetic field, generated by a pair of cylindrical coils placed on the surface of human body parts. Two different approaches for visualization of the field distribution are discussed for the cases of: coils with co-planar Z-axis and coils with arbitrary space position. The effectiveness of the proposed approaches and techniques as well as the functionality of the developed algorithms is tested through a program for 3D simulation and visualization. The visual representations of field distribution in different cases of coils relative positions are included.
Рец. доц. Кирил Малешков. - Съдържа диагр. и формули. – Библиогр., с.136.