Maleshkov, Stoyan Bogdanov; Жечев, Димитър Павлов; Jetchev, Dimitar Pavlov; Малешков, Стоян Богданов; Maleshkov, Stoyan Bogdanov
Подход за обучение на студенти по обектно-ориентирано програмиране
An approach to object-oriented programming in student’s training
Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, 56(2), 2006, pp. 424-431
TU - Sofia
1311-0829 [issn]
Based on the experience gained in object-oriented programming (OOP) the paper proposes a practical approach for student’s training at a technical university. Studying the Java language the main attention is focused on understanding the general philosophy of OOP. This is achieved by building up a general package of classes for processing of geometric objects. In strict sequence the following topics are considered: defining a class with attributes and methods, data capsulation, using a class, abstract class and inheritance. Widening the functionality of the defined classes is obtained by an interface, implemented with new classes. Detailed implementation issues for applications and applets are given. The problem of developing a robust program is considered and the main topics in exceptions handling are discusses. The experience of training students at a technical university is analyzed.
Рец. доц. Д-р Иван Момчев. - Съдържа диагр. и формули. – Библиогр., с. 431.