Георгиев, Веселин
Gueorguiev, Vesselin; Иванов, Иван Евгениев
Ivanov, Ivan Evgeniev; Георгиева, Десислава
Georgieva, Desislava
Защо най-трудно се създават инженери за вградени устройства
Embedded software development: problems in education
Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, 56(2), 2006, pp. 404-413
TU - Sofia
1311-0829 [issn]
Programming for embedded devices and systems is modern and preferable, and there are work positions in many companies – so students and engineers are interested in it. After few months a great percent of them quit or hesitate to work in this area. As a result – we have a lot of programmers and control engineers but there is lack of people working in the area of mobile and embedded devices and people from industry are asking. Our observations and conclusions do not pretend for generality. This paper is only a part of authors’ attempt to offer in Bulgaria a new world approaches how to teach students to work in this multi-disciplinary area.
Рец. доц. Д-р Иван Момчев. – Библиогр., с. 413