Todorov, Dimitar Georgiev; Grigorov, Asparuh Ivanov
Digital regulated parallel power and current sources for laser diodes driving
Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, 56(2), 2006, pp. 224-229
TU - Sofia
1311-0829 [issn]
laser diode; driving; power source
This paper is about some switching regulator improvement techniques, especially designed for high power laser diode driving. The first one consists in the usage of several power stage capacitors connected in parallel, forming a capacitance sum, witch is determining the output current or power. In this way an easier and more accurate digital control over the output parameters is achieved. Another improvement technique consists in the usage of several power stages, connected in parallel. In this way the output pulsations are much less. A practical solution circuit is designed to illustrate the improvement techniques.
Reviewer prof. Dimitar Aleksiev - Formulas, schemes. - References, pp. 229