Караро, Улрих; Kararo, Ulrih; Прегьов, Борислав Г.; Pregyov, Borislav G.; Пачаманов, Ангел Саракинов; Pachamanov, Angel Sarakinov; Василев, Николай рец.; vasilev, Nikolay prew.
Алгоритъм и програма за изчисляване на адаптационната яркост при пътни и градски тунели
Algorithm and program for calculating the luminance of access zone of road and city tunnels
PROCEEDINGS OF THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY - SOFIA, 55, 2005 - Anniversary “Sixty Years Technical University - Sofia”, pp. 259-270
TU - Sofia
0374-342Х [issn]
осветителна техника - приложение в пътното строителство; lighting systems - application in road construction
The main problem for design an energy efficient lighting systems of road tunnels
is the choice of the maximum value for the luminance L20 in the access zone. Method and computer program for calculating the annual chart of luminance L20 are presented in this paper. This chart is used for calculating the frequency and cumulative frequency distribution of L20 over the whole year. The safe maximum value for the luminance of the access zone can be evaluated directly from the cumulative frequency distribution for any percentage taken into account. A verification of the results is made by measurements made in 4 tunnels in Germany
С гр., ил., табл. - Библиогр.., с. 270. - Рец. проф. д-р Николай Василев