Gishin, Stoyan Stoychev
Electrotechnological processes in nonstationary conditions
Other Titles:
Електротехнологични процеси при нестационарни условия
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Годишник на ТУ-София, 48(3), 1995, Електротехника, eнергетика : Юбилейна научна сесия „50 години ТУ–София“ 11-12.10.1995 София, с. 219-226
0374-342Х [issn]
електротехника – управление – изследвания; електротехника – управление – изследвания
Experimental investigations have been carried out and electrotechnological processes in nonstationary conditions have been effectuated with electrochemical sources of electricity, electrodeposition of metal and alloy galvanic surfaces, electroextraction of precious and expensive metals from low-concentration solutions. The essence of the investigations is that the electrotechnological processes are conducted with a pulsed current. The duration of the electric impulses is controlled with a computer system and the basic parameters of the processes are set, measured and calcu-lated automatically. The electrotecnologies and devices developed have been patented in Bulgaria and abroad.; Experimental investigations have been carried out and electrotechnological processes in nonstationary conditions have been effectuated with electrochemical sources of electricity, electrodeposition of metal and alloy galvanic surfaces, electroextraction of precious and expensive metals from low-concentration solutions. The essence of the investigations is that the electrotechnological processes are conducted with a pulsed current. The duration of the electric impulses is controlled with a computer system and the basic parameters of the processes are set, measured and calcu-lated automatically. The electrotecnologies and devices developed have been patented in Bulgaria and abroad.
Gishin, Stojan Stoychev. Electrotechnological processes in nonstationary conditions. (Electrical engineering). // Годишник на ТУ-София, Том 48, 1995, № 3. Електротехника, eнергетика : Юбилейна научна сесия „50 години ТУ–София“ 11-12.10.1995 София, с. 219-226 : с черт., диагр.
Рез. на бълг. и англ. ез.; С библиогр.; Gishin, Stojan Stoychev. Electrotechnological processes in nonstationary conditions. (Electrical engineering). // Годишник на ТУ-София, Том 48, 1995, № 3. Електротехника, eнергетика : Юбилейна научна сесия „50 години ТУ–София“ 11-12.10.1995 София, с. 219-226 : с черт., диагр.
Рез. на бълг. и англ. ез.; С библиогр.